Both Ella and I had so many thrilling and fun adventures with one another. Every moment I had with her would never be dull or unpleasant, she would always seem to bring the sunshine to my day that I only knew was missing until we saw each other again. I was quite pleased to find that whenever Ella and I would meet she wasn't the only one pleased to see me, Lilydale's King had been as well. Instead of talking to Ella before me about the many diseases I could've selected from the streets to share with her he would always greet me with a friendly smile.

Almost everyday Ella would always insist on dressing me up in her clothes when we were much younger, she would always say that I could be a Princess with her and that we could both wait for our Prince charming's together. I would almost always correct her and tell her that I was interested in girls only, but then she would always giggle and ask if I liked her and I would say no, stubbornly, and then she'd tell me that that is why I liked boys. I chuckled at the memory of her illogical younger logic.

After we'd meet and I would have to go I would always leave humming with happiness, she was just a breath of refreshing air that was able to plenty you and your lungs, everyone deserved an Ella. I also remember another time that we were both sitting on the edge of her balcony and she was telling me about an awkward encounter with the Prince of Cunningham and we had both laughed so hard that I had nearly toppled over this very balcony, luckily for me, Ella had instantly grabbed me and hauled me up.

A pleasant smile left its trace on my face at the memories of Ella. 

I looked, once again, out onto the Kingdom from her balcony which was cluttered with all different types of plants and flowers that were so beautiful with the variety of different colors as well as sizes. And just as I had laid my eyes on the most remarkable flowers of them all, a shriek so shocking filled the once peaceful kingdom.

I could only watch from my post as all of my fellow knights had begun to march in formation with flawless synchronization down the cobblestone streets of Lilydale, as members of the community began to cautiously follow behind. Everyone looked to be extremely concerned for the lady who had squawked such an ear piercing shriek, as they all huddled together talking amongst one another as well as hoping that she only got shocked by something and no harm was laid upon her.

I couldn't imagine any person in the kingdom who would want to harm a lady or even shock them so much that they felt as though they'd have to shriek as if they had just woken up from the most frightening nightmare crafted by the hands of the devil himself. I had then stretched myself over the balcony to see which part of the port was most infested by people. As my eyes had begun to inspect the port, something large and silhouetted caught my eyes as it lurked atop the water in the far distance. I was so focused on figuring out what kind of creature or thing it could be that I hadn't heard the trapdoor slowly squeak open and then clatter shut.

Out of a very odd blue a large hand suddenly latched itself firmly onto the bottom of my poor right cheek, the person knowingly taking advantage of my very open position. My skin had begun to burn with the warmth of one thousand suns and my frightened right cheek quivered at the unwelcomed touch.

"Don't be scared.." a low and gravelly males voice had whispered breathlessly into my ear. A whimper left my mouth at the thought of the most vile being in mans existence to be touching me so profoundly. I felt breathless and flushed as disgust and humidity surged through my veins as Captain Axel Dieters thumb had begun to stroke my quivering bosom.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he reassured my left ear, his warm breath irritating my nerves at the unbalance of temperature between both my ears. 

My heart was pounding so hard I felt as though I could've coughed it up and handed it to him, I clenched my hands harder on the railing of the balcony, trying to hold back my quivers of absolute terror. Many alarming ideas had begun to surge through my now throbbing head, the man who had literally slaughtered a whole village without remorse was on me, the person who was well known for plundering brothels was groping my cheek, the man who was the worlds most wanted lunatic was right on me. I thought I was going to pass out. 

He muzzled his prickly face into my neck, his soft breath causing the skin of my neck to burn. I stood there completely unresponsive to his remarks as he then had began to gently trail his hand from my bosoms cheek to the crevice of my hip, as he took a deep breathe in. I had become absolutely furious but overall frustrated, his behavior more demoralizing, than it was disgusting. 

As well as his behavior, the situation had gone totally out of proportion and utterly beyond my comprehension of what I had planned to do with the Captain within the innocence of my imagination. It began with me revealing my identity as a male and shocking him to his core and then in his element of surprise I would attack. But. I could never of imagined something as awkward as this, with his face buried into my neck and him whispering what he thought to be sweet nothings into my ear when they only provoked a cringe to plaster itself onto the surface of my face. It felt utterly disgusting to be handled in such a way, even if I was a male I knew full well that if I were female I would not even doubt that I would have found his behavior one of an absolute tool.

I had now begun to slowly raise my left leg up preparing to knock him off his feet, but before I could execute my plan so that he could cease this behavior, a clap of absolute terror echoed through the now mute kingdom as everything on this once peaceful night was quiet until another boisterous explosion filled the silence causing a gasp to escape my lips at what I was seeing from the security of the princesses balcony. One after the other, destruction following each blast, as everything once beautifully perfect about Lilydale's kingdom was obliterated, I watched wordlessly as houses were set aflame and the beauty of the seasonal blossoms were singed from the flames. 

Silent tears helplessly began to consume my eyes at the sight of our once magnificent Kingdom fall to pieces as everything had begun to groan and collapse. I heard the dreadful screams and shrieks of citizens, I heard the sounds of peoples agonized sobs and I heard the horrific canons of destruction, it was all too much, all too overwhelming. As I had become breathless, my heart batting away my oxygen, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist as Captain Axel Dieter continued to dig his prickly twelve o'clock shadow into my neck.

"If you come with me, you'll be safe" he said, his voice muffled from his face being buried into the crevice of my neck.

At his comment, oddly, something within me had suddenly snapped, my silent tears had instantly come to a halt as did my ragged heart beat. At the mentioning of those words my insides immediately had begun to fizzle and crackle. He thought that after destroying Lilydale's kingdom and standing here snuggling up against me without my consent that I would just instantly jump for joy and leap into his arms as I helplessly watched our kingdom be destroyed on the account of this hooligan, he didn't know that he was dealing with the kingdoms most trusted knight and not some princess that he thought he was entitled to kidnap and sell off to some filthy brothel.

I raised my left leg and bucked at his own left leg that snapped to the power of my stag, as he finally let go of every part of my body that he had obnoxiously touched, I then whirled around taking advantage of his vulnerability and gave the brute an upper cut to his jaw. He groaned as I watched him stagger into the Princess's bedroom with one hand clutching his left leg and the other caressing his cheek, I smiled as I ran to bombard him with a powerful blow only for him to swiftly step aside and for me to go stampeding straight into the wall, causing me to crash heavily. 

As I had begun to recover from the clash, a hand roughly grasped an abundance of my hair and pulled me up by my head as I had been spun around via my head. I was faced with fiery emerald iris's which sneered at me with distaste, I mustered up what courage and dignity I had left from my betraying body that had begun to violently tremble from fear and attempted to glare back as evenly as possible, trying desperately to appear as if I didn't want to pee myself from the very thought of him.

"You should know" he seethed, his voice laced with venom "That you shouldn't tango with the devil" and then suddenly he instantly raised his immense hand to my face causing my eyes to fade into black as my mind had become incomprehensive of the many hazy thoughts that had begun running wildly through my mind.

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