Chapter 22. Another Chance -changed-

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Never had heard this song, but ever since I found it I really love it now and it really relates to this chapter.

I stared at Jet with a blank expression, trying to take all of this information in. I didn't know how to reply with so many questions buzzing around my head, some person some not. And I also just wanted to go back to sleep. "What?" Is all I managed.

"You heard me!" He growled angrily. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I growled before stuffing a pillow in my face, trying to clear my mind for a peaceful sleep. "Astra this is serious!" He groaned impatiently. "I'm under an alphas order to get some sleep now He out" I mumbled in the pillow.

Is it so hard to ask to rest?

"Ugh fine, but at 9 sharp you had better be up and ready for me to take you back"- I interrupted, "can't, we have a meeting with the alpha and you with your pack are invited." I said, slowly sitting up, trying to adjust to the light in the room since Jet just had to switch it on.

"What? Astra! This is serious for crying out loud! I am going to let you sleep and then we will talk about this tomorrow when you are in your right mind" he sighed, leaving the room. Leave Ing the door wide open and the light still on. The rest of his mini gang followed, but then I saw Nathan walk in, switch the light off and he offered me a weak smile before leaving the room, shutting the door.

Poor Nathan, he's probably still angry at me, not to mention he looked tired as hell and he looked stressed.

But I can't think about him now, I have bigger concerns. A freaking werefox army...

In all honesty I am more than interested in this. I have dreamed of this to happen for so long and now that I am situated in the middle of werewolf territory, surrounded by friends, I just don't know what to do.

Jet seems to think this is bad, in fact impossible that the werefoxes could start a war and that all this time they have been preparing. And from his perspective this isn't right what they are planning, not that I know much details but still, this does not come as a surprise to me.

I could be of great use to the werefoxes considering my strength. We werefoxes are naturally stronger than wolves but our speed is not as great, and yet I hold incredible powers that are dangerous, all of this legendary fox nonsense matches what I am but I will never be proud of being myself.

A legend does something great.

So far I have been using my strength to my advantages so does that even count? So am I really what the legend describes? Probably not but time will tell.

I look around the room, examining every single detail, feeling such relief that I will never have to live inside a hollow tree ever again. But...
"Oh no..." I whispered slightly. How long has it been since the moon released some of its powers to me? How long has it been since I made that promise... the promise to go back one day... go back to a place I never will consider a 'home' nor ever was one. But I do not know if I can wait any longer to save Zeal. It has been too long, for goodness sake he might not even accept me to be his sister again since I have left him there for so long. I suppose I will just get this day over with, talk with Jet and then have a meeting with the alpha, but now, right now I can not leave. Not now, when I have too many people depending on me.

'You are not a bad human form. You are not a perfect fox. But you will always be my perfect human. We may disagree on many things but remember that you are not alone' my inner fox said. I smiled at her, as she looked so genuinely innocent.

I then let her take control. In an instant I was a fox and I felt happy. Truely happy. I jumped out the window and sailed down the street. The air kissed my smooth fur and smelled beautiful on this night, and I ran until my thoughts cleared. Until the cold breeze settled onto my face that I felt numb in its glory and I felt no emotions but satisfied.

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