Chapter 2. Abandoned

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I was born an Arctic fox. Since I was a small, young fox I knew there was something wrong with my life. My parents would always be quiet and never speak to me. I grew up learning how to live in silence. We also lived in fear. But not anger. Anger was still an unknown emotion for me.

Our home was small, for we lived in a hollow tree. I was barely ever allowed out. I never knew why. Sometimes my parents and both brothers would go outside and talk. I was never allowed to be with them at those moments.

I have an older brother, Jet and a younger brother, Zeal. My parents names are Shane and Helga.

That was really all I knew.

I would hear birds singing sweetly, their sounds in tune with good spirits. Sometimes I wished I was a carefree bird but I knew not to depend on wishing. It simply did nothing.
I was always so confused.

As I got older I got more restless. They were all constantly going out and occasionally bringing food. Whenever I was allowed to speak I'd ask "where are you going? Why can't I come?" They just answered "To get food... You just can't come."
I got scowled at frequently and I always felt lonely.

But I knew they did more than that. I had a feeling that told me so. My gut feelings didn't ever lie.

I knew that there was something horridly wrong. I just needed to know.

Then one day, when I was about 10, They all went out again. But this time I followed slowly behind them, determined to find out their secret.

They walked through the forest for about 5 minutes before disappearing behind a bush. I slowly approached the bush and peeked behind it.

That's when I found out their secret which I had been searching for. The secret that I soon dreaded to discover.

Right in front of me, I saw my mother, father and Jet shift into legs and arms. I will never forget the crackling sound of bones clattering together, changing into smaller and larger bones. I was horrified. I wanted to help them but I didn't know how. So I watched, hopelessly.

But Zeal just simply watched them, as if it was normal.

I couldn't control yapping in surprise after the whole process was over, which sent their eyes towards me, glaring at me in rage.

Then suddenly they started speaking in a different language which I understood strangely...

"HELGA! You couldn't even teach YOUR daughter to have some respect! Astra is a useless mutt just like her mother!"

My fathers shouted out those harsh words which stunned me.

"I.. Am Not! She may be a useless brat but I certainly am not!" My mother spat.

My heart stung.

"You know what? THIS IS OVER! Jet, come with me" my father growled before becoming a fox again and taking off, Jet by his side.

My mother stared after him, watching him, and her oldest son leave her.

Zeal stared at me with cold hatred. He was 6, only 4 years younger than me. He didn't understand much and considering the situation I knew he was only mimicking what everyone else did.

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