Chapter 10. The Dreamy Thunderstorm

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Please listen to this song while reading, I really like it and its kinda relevant with this story! Comment if you like it please! Because I'm thinking of using it to make a trailer for this book. By the way, I take no credit for these songs but I am thinking of writing one specifically for this book and the trailer as well.

I look.. Familiar?" I asked. "I don't know.. I just feel like I have met you before" he said. "Very funny! As if!Anyway, what are you doing, up at night at this time anyway?" I asked him.

"I prefer not to answer that question" he said. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "How about we settle our differences in human form?" He suggested. "Ok" I agreed. He then went behind tree, and shifted. He came back out, changed in clothes which he happened to have.

I didn't get a good look at him before shifting myself, knowing I would shift into my clothes. Then our eyes met. And both our eyes widened when we recognised each other. "Alex!" I said, instantly remembering him, the guy who accidentally threw the foot ball towards me.

"A-Astra?" He said, shock tied around his tongue. "What.. Your, a werefox!?" He said with disbelief. "And You are a werewolf!" I said sarcastically. "B-but you smelled just like a human!" He said. "Well that's my business" I answered with a glare.

"So, what are you even doing out here, fighting rogues and all" he asked. "Can't a fox have some alone time? Dude I was just going for a run when some rogue decided to stalk me" I lied.

"Ok so let me get this straight.. Your a werefox... And you are the last werefox On Earth?" He asked. "That's also my business that you are not apart of. I will be leaving back to my room now" I said before turning around and just as I started to walk away, Alex grabbed onto my arm and pulled me back. "Not so fast, fox, I'm not done with you yet!" He said with a devilish smile. At those moment, thunder was heard rumbling throughout the forest to match the way I feel right now.

"Alex you do not know who I am, nor what I am capable of doing to you. Now for your own sake, Let. Go. Of. Me!" I hissed. He looked taken back by my words, and then sighed with a sad look on his face. "Astra, I just want to help you... I-I just want to protect you" he stuttered nervously.

"I don't need protection from no one!" I growled. "Oh Astra! There are people looking for you... More than you could count" he said. "What?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. "Yes. Astra the principal of our school is one of the few believers that werefoxes exist and he is secretly sending out rogue spies to find the last species of werefoxes" he said.

I took a step forward, confidently about to tell him that I was stronger than he thought, but my leg suddenly felt as if it has been stuck by lighting, pain spread rapidly down my leg and I cried out in pain. I then fell to the ground, with a painful thud. Alex immediately joined me on the ground and carefully grabbed my leg.

"Your leg looks pretty bad" he said after giving it a quick examination. He then ripped off part of his shirt and wrapped it around my bleeding leg and attempted to carry me. "Alex! Please, for your own good just leave me here" I said while digging my fingers into the grass that I sat on, struggling against his hold.

"But Astra, your hurt. I can't leave you here like this" he said softly, while looking into my eyes. I felt weird, being so close to a male werewolf. "Please just leave" I asked again, shifting uncomfortably on the ground. Then again, without warning he swept me off the ground and held me securely in his arms and started to walk into the direction of the school.

"Alex!" I shrieked. Never had I felt something as strange as how I felt now... I felt loved? As if someone actually cares for me for the first time? Just the way he looked at me, he carried me, he talked to me. It felt magically unreal. Of course, nothing compared to the way I felt when I found my mate.

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