Chapter 15. Legendary Fox

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*Music is important when reading the story and adds a real effect while reading, so please go ahead and press play on the YouTube vid up above then start reading!*

"Hey! Nate, um what are YOU doing here?" I asked him. "Well I could ask the same question to you" he laughed. I gave a half shrug, signalling that I wasn't going to tell in front of the others. He did the same with a grin, then turned around and said bye to his friends, as they all started their bikes then they raced off, leaving us alone. "So, do you have any plans for today?" He asked. I shrugged, bored. "Nope not really, just been looking for some fun, taking a break from school" I said.

"Oh ok, I am actually taking a break from school too. Hey do you wanna come over to my place for a bit?" He asked. "Depends, who else is where you supposedly live" I asked. "Their is a hidden wolf pack and another werefox in all honest ness but hey if your too scared th-" I cut him off, "Yeah, yeah whatever, I trust you" I laughed. "So I didn't know you owned a motorbike" he then said.

"Ahahaha thats a funny story! I kinda borrowed it, but I promise I'm gonna return it right now" I said. Then before he could say anything else, I zoomed off, Nate just following in my tracks. I then gulped when there were 2 cop cars at the place I 'ahem' Clearly Borrowed the bike. I quickly skidded to a stop and left the it on the side of the road, then as the cop started shouting to me to stop, I jumped onto the back on Nate's bike and we raced off.

I held on tightly to Nate, my head feeling weird without wearing the helmet. As the sun started to set, I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. "Where Are WE?" I shouted over the roar of the engine. "Ever heard of Castle HILL?" He asked. "Wait, WHAT!" I screamed. I couldn't believe it. That's where Jet lives...
Oh no.

"We have to turn BACK!" I shouted. "WHY?" He asked. "My BROTHER Lives THERE!" I said. "Jet?" He asked. "YEAH, we aren't really ON GOOD TERMS right now" I shouted. "WE ARE HERE, I took the back road by the way, because its quicker" he said. "Ugh" I sighed.

Five minutes later when we stopped behind the behind entrance of the half underground building, we both walked in. I sighed, annoyed when everyone stopped and stared at me, some going to get the horrible alpha and my brother. I followed Nate up to a living rom which he said no one uses, but when we entered, I saw Jet, and the alpha and the little girl in chains.

I turned violently to face Nate with anger. "What! Is this some joke, Nate?" I growled at him. Nate's eyes went wide, looking at me then back to the girls, then back to the Alphas, and Jets guilty. "What the hell IS going on! Astra, why do you even know them?" Nate asked madly. "Uh Nate, I can explain, this human girl is the daughter of Rome, oh and Astra is my sister" he said.

I almost laughed at how Nates confused face turned into a clueless, shocked face, but considering the circumstances, I reversed that thought. I went and slammed my fist into Jet's cheek. "That's for everything" I said. When Jet just stood there looking guilty as ever, Nate got mad. "Ok I am missing something here. NOW WHAT IS IT?" He shouted loudly. "I can explain everything to both of you." Jet said.

When neither of us replied he started.

"Nate, once your stepbrother got kidnaped, and after we sent you off to school, we decided on a plan how to get pay back from those rotten humans who we know are experimenting on him. We got word that they were in town and when both Rome and his wife walked past, the guards accidentally pulled Astra in, thinking that she was the wife. And the plan. Was to make Rome give back Jack.

After a meeting, seeing they had caught the wrong girl, we decided to let her go, but she escaped by the time we got there. And lets just say, we have had a few more visits since then" he ended uncomfortably.

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