20. The Next Stage

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Pete's favorites songlist
Track 12: Roxette - Listen to your heart

Tiana's POV

Believe me, the Xs and Os were not my doing.

I did not want to paint my text messages with Xs and Os, but darling Emma here was much more excited than me to have a boyfriend.

"He is so in love with you. And I bet the XOs make you look adorable," Emma squealed and threw herself on her bed. The bed groaned at the sudden movement.

"Stop being so dramatic." I rolled my eyes. "He's just a boyfriend."

"Are you kidding me? The first boyfriend in your life! Who's probably going to be your first kiss, first date, first everything! I'm so proud of you!" Emma squealed once more and grabbed my shoulders. I could have sworn she was about to cry, but she sighed and hugged me.

I laughed. Indeed, I was thrilled that Parker and I were an 'official thing' now, and I didn't have to be intimidated by Chloe. She'd been on my nerves since the first day of school, but now she was way last season.

I knew Chloe hated me. I took away her man. But, come to think of it, I never had the feeling that she actually liked Parker. I remember seeing her look at Parker with one of her admiring looks, but her eyes weren't full of love. They were full of greed. And they always were.

I was actually beginning to wonder how far Chloe would go to take Parker back from me. But, again, Parker was never hers. Parker had always been mine. Since the start, when we met in class and had to sit next to each other. That had led us to this. A relationship I wouldn't give up on.

I suddenly wanted to see the angered face of Chloe when she heard the news.

Was I too selfish?


As if Emma could actually read my mind, she spoke about Chloe. "Chloe is so going to be pissed!" she squealed. "I need to film it when she explodes around Parker and becomes a wall painting."

I just laughed. I didn't want to seem too excited, although my insides were already twisting and getting excited to see the look on Chloe's face.

"Wait," Emma gasped. "Oh dear, have you told Charlie?"

All the color probably drained from my face. How was I supposed to tell Charlie? I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but it was a matter of time before he found out that we were now an official couple.

"He's going to be really pissed. Even as angry as Chloe, I reckon." She bit her nail. "It's scary when Charlie is pissed."

I nodded. I had seen his angered face when we were back at the hospital, he had been protective about me, but I didn't know how he would act if he heard I was with Parker. They didn't seem like they were on the friendliest terms. "Can you break the news to him?" I asked Emma with a little smile.

Emma shook her head. "You have to tell him. He's going to go crazy if I do. At least he'll try to act cool if you tell him."

I nodded. I knew this had to happen some time. I didn't want our friendship to turn around and crash. He was someone I didn't want to lose.

"So do you want to go ice skating in the afternoon? The skating rink is having a fifty percent sale for couples. You should totally go with Parker. Charlie and James are coming too, and you can tell them then," Emma said, her voice full of enthusiasm.

As much as that did sound kind of sweet, I had to meet Wendy Storm today. I was so nervous about meeting her, hoping she wasn't someone dangerous. I had had enough danger during the month. "I can't. I've got plans tonight."

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