8. A Truth

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Thank you JackP0000 for making this brilliant cover:)
You rock girl!♡♡ Thank you so much!

I'm flattered by all you guys who are sending me your love.:)
I hope you guys are all here till the end.

Parker's POV

I stared down at the substance that was covering my shoes. I also stared down at the girl who was in my arms, out cold. I also stared into the never-ending crowd that seemed to not be able to see me. I also stared at the bathroom that she had desperately needed to go to. I stared at everything. At once. And I knew that wasn't possible.

"Tiana?" I said, shifting her so that she was in my right arm and poking her cheek with my free hand. She didn't budge.

Oh Lord, why do you put me through such trials?

I walked in my smelly shoes to the nearest table I could find, and leaned her against the floor, not forgetting to pull down her dress that was starting to roll up. I took off my shoes and bunched up a handful of kleenex tissues and tidied them up the best I could. Just then Nate came up to me, looking pale.

I immediately pointed to the right, showing him where the bathroom was before he could puke on me. He nodded slightly and put out his fingers in an okay sign, scurrying off into the direction.

The stench of my shoes was vibrating through the air, so I popped in a raspberry icebreaker to refresh my scent. I plopped myself next to her on the floor, letting out a tired sigh.

I looked at her. Her eyelashes were extremely long, almost as long as Chloe's except I was sure her's were fake. Her sharp nose stood out of her face, filling it with dignity. Her lips, full and colored in a redish wine color, made me gulp.

I absolutely did not enjoy the kiss with Chloe. I had tried my best to get her off of me, but I understood that the picture would have been astonishing to Tiana. I had tried to tell her that when we were dancing, but she seemed so happy that I didn't want her to open her eyes and be disappointed that it was me.

Did she like the stranger she was dancing with?

What if she found out it was me?

Would she like him then, too?

Questions of doubt bubbled up in my mind and almost consumed me, making me want to start the day all over again. And the smell of the vomit was definitely not helping. I should have just let her go to the bathroom. But no, I had to go on about what the situation had been like!

Nate came running back to me, now looking much better. He looked at me, then Tiana, then my shoes, each one for around five seconds before moving on to the next.

"Three questions," he said cautiously.

"Shoot," I took a deep breath.

"Why is she dead?" Nate questioned.

"She was drunk and she passed out," I groaned.

"Bummer. Less exciting." Nate shrugged. "Why is your hair like a plastic bag caught in a tree?" He frowned. "It took me two hours to do that you know!"

"Because I'm trying to think of what to do!" I groaned even louder.

"That is not a good excuse. Last question: Why did you dip your shoes in the sewage?" He pinched his nose. "I told everyone not to throw food in there!"

I just buried my face in my hands. Where would I ever get with this guy.

"I need you to put her on my back," I said, standing up.

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