15. Pinocchio

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Pete's favorites songlist
Track 9: U2- With or Without you

Make sure you check them out in order!

Tiana's POV

"Are you feeling better now?" Parker asked in a low sexy voice. I almost jumped at myself for thinking his voice was sexy. But there was no denying it, because it truly was a mesmerizing deep rumble from his throat.

I nodded timidly, for now I was quite embarrassed that I had freaked out like that. But this was different from all the PAs I had had so far.

Never had Peter come out when I was damn right awake before, I've had hallucinations, but this soared it up to a totally different level. This was not a hallucination; in fact, it was a warning he was sending me. A declaration that he would tear my real world apart bit by bit if I did not fear him in my dreams. He was coming to real life, threatening to invade the only place he was off limits.

Never lose your guard.

It was like he was screaming these words into my ear, telling me to keep him inside of me. Never forget the pain he had been through. Never forget the achievenments he had failed to meet. Never forget that it was all my fault.

"Do you want some water?" he said, brushing the hair off my face. I was still lying my head on his lap, staring off into the ceiling from the side-effects that Peter had left me to deal with from his appearance. The ceiling had now changed from a deep navy blue to a sickening yellow, as if it resembled my feelings.

"Sure." I sat up and when he held me the glass of cold water, I cringed my hand back, not wanting to touch anything cold. Peter's fingers had been icy and solid. I did not want to feel anything like them again.

"I'll... pass," I changed my mind.

Parker eyed me carefully and nodded, setting the glass on the bedside table. He would definitely think of me as a moody, bossy girl.

"Where's Charlie?" I asked.

"He ran out to get the doctor and hasn't returned since." Parker shrugged.

"Odd." I cocked my head sideways.

Parker took a seat on the bed. "I have something to tell you."

I gulped. "What is it?"

"Before I tell you about this, answer my question. Okay?" Parker took my hand in his and patted it in reassurance. Whatever the question was, it was hard for him to ask, and I was sure it wouldn't be easy for me to answer either.

He cleared his throat and sat upstraight, fixing his posture to face me directly. "Who is Peter?"

I blinked several times before my mouth sputtered out, "What?"

"Peter. Who is he?" he repeated.

I swallowed down a lump in my throat. "My brother." Whenever I spoke about this with Parker it felt like my sentences were getting awfully short. "He died."

His eyes immediately tuned down into a deep aquamarine color, looking at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "It's okay. He's the reason I have panic attacks and hallucinations."

He nodded slowly like he understood. He must have already figured that out by himself. "So the day we met?"

"Yes. I hallucinated that you were Peter." The tears began to rise.

"And just now?"

I nodded. "It happened again. But this time it was different. He never comes out in real life like that. It's usually me just hallucinating. But this time, he was here. He was really here, to warn me." I couldn't help but squeak because I was on the verge of crying.

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