18. A Text

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Pete's Favorites songlist
Track 11: Queen - Too much love will kill you

Tiana's POV

"What about this... unspoken thing between us?"
"What unspoken thing?"
"This unspoken thing."
"There is no unspoken thing."

"Oh my God, Gamora just stop being so reluctant! You KNOW that FREAKING UNSPOKEN THING!" Emma shouted inside the theater in frustration. Everyone turned their eyes from the screen to our direction to look at what kind of person was bothering their movie. I buried my face in my hands of embarrassment. This was one of the reasons I never came to watch movies with her. As a matter of fact, this was my favorite movie series and Emma was disturbing it.

I peeked out at Charlie. He was purposely looking away, trying to seem distant from Emma.

"Charlie! Say something! What the hell are those two doing! Are they feeding me mashed potatoes without water so I can suffocate?" She demanded. Everyone turned their eyes to Charlie. Some clicked their tongues. Some told their children to look away from the mad girl. Some acted like they'd seen a lot of movies with Emma and just went on to munching their popcorn.

"I don't care what the hell those two are doing. I care about you shutting the f*ck up!" he said through gritted teeth.

I nodded in agreement.

"Fine." She humphed and sunk into her seat. But the silence did not go long. "Oh my GOD. Someone turn the volume down before I chop my ears off and become Vincent Van Gogh!" she yelled at the top of her lungs when a bomb exploded in the movie.

I really wanted to leave her there and escape the place.

The movie ended quite quickly and I power-walked through the crowd and outside the theater. The bright lighting blinded me for a second, but I was not affected much as I quickly recovered and got out of the aisle. I strode out as fast as I could, trying to ignore Emma calling me from behind.

Eventually she caught up with me and hooked her arm into mine. I glared at her. "That was fun, right? I can't wait for the next one!" she chirped.

"I can," Charlie grumbled. "I'm starting to wish it would come out late."

"Shut up, Charlie." She shot him a look. When she turned back to me, her face had masked into a sweet smile. "Now what do you want to do, T? Go out for some Pizza?" She batted her eyelashes.

"Sure." I gave in with a sigh. "I'm starving."

"Well I know a pizza place!" she said, a little over-enthusiastically. "They have the BEST PIZZA EVER." She seemed a little off.

"Oh yeah?"

"Hell yeah! The... pepperoni pizza is voila! Just what you have dreamed! Everyone, follow me to the Pizza Parlor!" She ran around making swishing sounds with her mouth as if she were an airplane. It was hard being her bestfriend and hanging out around the streets with her.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Charlie's lips restraining to keep from a smile. He bit his lip, and calmed his inner laughter down. Why was he laughing?

The answer was clear when we entered the Pizza Parlor. James stood there, in a Pizza Romeo apron with a chef's hat, waiting tables. No wonder Emma had been so hyped to get here. She didn't want delicious pizza, she'd wanted to hungrily watch James in the cute costume.

I understood, for if Parker had been in that in front of me? I would have drooled.

James whisked over to us and asked for our menus. Emma sheepishly told him Pepperoni. And Charlie winked at him to stash us some beer.

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