19. Progress

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Parker's POV

We sat in front of the bay, once again on a blanket at night where nobody could see us. We just stared at the quiet horizon that whispered the sweet sounds of water splashing against the wood. Tiana had herself curled up in a ball. It seemed like she was cold. I took off my jacket and laid it gently on her shoulders. She smiled slightly in thanks.

"I'm thinking of starting to collect your clothes. I look good in them," she said.

I want to give you all my clothes. I wanted to say. She looked better in them.

"Keep everything you get your hands on," I shrugged.

Her cheeks flushed bright red, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking.

"I want to tell you something," she said, and my heart couldn't help but skip a beat. Her wide eyes looked black as we sat in the dark, and it was swirling me into the ultimate black hole. Was she going to say what I had wanted to say for such a long time?

"Wendy Storm, the woman I had called the other day asked me to meet her at the mall on Friday." Specifically, not what I had wanted to hear, but it was still great news. I hoped that Tiana wouldn't give up on finding out what her brother wanted to tell her. She propelled me to try and find out who my dad and twin was.

"That means tomorrow. Right? Since it's past midnight already." I smiled.

She sighed. "I hope it is her. And not some sort of prank."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I frowned. She seemed nervous to meet the woman.

"I wish you could, but she asked me to come alone. Just... come find me if I don't text you in ten minutes. Okay?" She grabbed my hand. "You know how much this is important to me, don't you?"

I nodded fiercely because I truly did. I knew it better than anyone else. As much as she wanted to find out about her brother, I wanted to find out about my twin and my father too. Family was family, through heartbreaks and even death. "Everything is safe with me. Your secrets, and you. I'll keep you safe no matter what happens Tiana."

She nodded. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

I cocked my head to the right. Could she see through me?

"You seem quite busy these days. That's all." She shrugged.

I did want to tell her. I wanted to tell her that I had my dad's phone number right inside my pocket. Perhaps I could solve the mystery of what happened at the night of the incident of my mom. And also that I could truly be happy again. With her.

I wanted to tell her that I loved her.

I couldn't tell her about my father yet though. Not yet. I wanted to sort everything out on my own before telling her the whole story. I wanted to be someone who was worthy to date such an amazing person. Not someone who had done nothing to change his life for that past years.

Plus, she seemed quite busy dealing with her own issues too. I didn't want to give her another burden to think and worry about.

"Should I talk to someone else about this too?" Tiana asked.

I shrugged. "To whom?"

"Maybe Emma. Or... Charlie," she hesitated. I could see that she had mixed feelings toward him. She knew that the guy had a crush on her, anyone could see that from a mile away. But I wasn't even sure if she liked him in that way or not. Her actions were complicated.

"I guess you could tell Emma, but not Charlie." I smiled. "I'll get really jealous if I see you talking with him."

She laughed. "You never seem jealous."

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