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After another week of resting, Marie could actually run without her ankle hurting too much. She didn't tell anyone that it still kind of hurt but she couldn't stand working in the gardens yet another day. She needed the adrenaline.

She and Minho were out into the Maze as soon as the doors started opening. The two ran together, Minho having memorised the whole Maze anyway.

"Hey Minho, can I go over to section 3?" Marie asked.

"No, I want you to be safe. Stay with me." Minho replied.

"But that's not even so effective. We could get twice as much covered if you left me go to another section." Marie sighed.

"But you could get hurt again." Minho replied.

"We don't need to fight about this, Minho. Just let me head off to section 3." Marie told her boyfriend.

"Well we are. You know, maybe Gally was right. Relationships don't belong in the Glade cause a week in and we're already fighting." Minho raised his voice a little.

"Maybe. You are way too protective anyway." Marie huffed.

"You put yourself in danger all the time!" Minho shot back. Marie slowly started lifting her hand but Minho noticed and grabbed both her wrist. Marie tried to back up but there Kinda was a wall in the way.

"Minho.." she whispered.

"I'm sorry. I should stop being so protective, but you should never feel like you're going to have to hit me. I'm sorry Rie." Minho told the girl.

"I'm sorry too. This was all just unnecessary." Marie replied. Minho let go of her wrists and put his arms around her waist, her hugging him back.

"C'mon. No slackers allowed." She then mentioned before sprinting off. Minho shook his head with a small smile and ran after her.

"You seem to be doing great with the ankle. Seems to be healing nicely." Minho called out.

"Yeah. It's fine." Marie called back, though her ankle hurt more and more the more she ran. She didn't really mind though. She finished the section slightly faster than Minho, teasing him for it. She then headed back to the Homestead to get some food from Frypan.

"Aye, Fry. Got anything I can eat?" She asked.

"Just some bread, but that's better than nothing right?" Fry offered.

"Yeah, Thanks." Marie smiled.

"How's the ankle?" Fry asked politely.

"Eh. Still hurts a little but not anything bad. I'm fine." Marie shrugged, biting into the bread.

"If it still hurts you should probably not be running. How'd you slip that one past Minho?" Frypan questioned.

"He doesn't know. Anyway, I've gotta head off to the gardens and help Tewie." Marie sighed.

"Why do you call him Tewie? Where did it come from?" Frypan asked.

"I don't know. It just feels natural. But to be honest, none us know much about anything anymore." Marie replied before heading to the gardens.

She found it weird that Newt didn't really have to work but did anyway. If she had the chance she'd much rather be allowed to slack off a little. Maybe he was like her though, he didn't like being still for too long.

She paused to fix the bandage, that was slightly coming undone when she saw Minho going back into the Maze, without her. She rolled her eyes at him but knew that he had to do his job.

Then she carried on towards the gardens to find Tewie.

"She needs us." Minho again, tears in his eyes. The brunette girl with the striking blue eyes shook her head at him and the other boy. He was shorter than Minho. Light hair.

"Stay alive, Marie." A British accent rang out as she watched the two boys walk away.

She broke down crying, not really knowing why as the memory didn't explain much. Luckily, she'd gotten quite close to the Gardens and Newt was on his way to check up on the builders so he heard sobs and moved towards them.

Marie sat on the ground, head resting on her knees as she felt sobs rack through her body. Her chest felt like it was caving in and her eyes felt like they were never going to stop leaking.

Newt stopped in front of her, kind of shocked to see her full-on sobbing with what seemed to be no reason. Yeah, she cried a little before when she remembered Minho but it wasn't like full sobbing, just a few tears and sniffles.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Marie couldn't even make any words to reply, though she tried. "Zart! I need help from some of your track-hoes." Newt then yelled. With help he managed to carry her to the Homestead. He didn't need help carrying but he did need help trying to calm the girl down.

"Do we have any runners back here?" He yelled, "If so, send someone out to get Minho. She has a connection to him, I think he might be able to calm her down." He added.

"Tewie, no." Marie whispered.

"Or.. don't?" He called out again.

"Tewie, I'm alive. I stayed alive, Tewie. I listened to you. I promise." Marie rambled. The words wouldn't stop falling now.

"Yes, I can see that you're alive. But I don't think I've told you to stay alive before?" Newt replied.

"Before this. I remembered. She took you and Minho. He kept fighting them whilst you tried to stay calm. You told me to stay alive. I did. Tewie I'm here." Marie told Newt. She hugged him tightly, slowing her breathing down to match his. Newt hugged back, yet he was very confused.

He figured that must've been how Minho felt when she knew him and he didn't know her. Was he going to start remembering her? Minho remembered Rie and that he loved her?

"I'm here too, Marie. I'm here too." He replied. The confusion lifted slightly as he felt closer to the girl, not physically but in a different way. Like how he saw the bond between Minho and Marie, he felt one of his own.

"I can feel that you're here, Tewie. You might never remember me, but I know you knew me once."

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