7.Play Date From Hell

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Jungkook heads into the kitchen to read the note as Taehyung and Hoseok pulled a giggly YN outside to the backyard, while a scowling Yoongi followed close behind.

He picks the note up from the counter and begins to read Jimin's instructions;

Yoongi & YN's schedule:

— breakfast by 9.
— playtime until noon.
— lunch & nap time right after.
— wake them up by 2pm.
— more playtime.
— I'll be late so feed them dinner(don't worry there's more than enough for you and the boys).
— make sure to give Yoongi his medication at dinner time.(if he won't take it just mix it into his food).

P.s. If Yoongi or YN are being naughty, just punish them how you would Taehyung & Hoseok.

Jungkook read the list, shaking his head at how Jimin planned out everything. But when he read the phrase "punish them how you would Taehyung and Hoseok.", he wondered if Jimin remembered all the ways he'd had to punish them.

At first he tried timeouts.

When that didn't work he tried taking away privileges.

When that didn't work he tried spankings. Which worked for awhile, that is until they started to like that punishment.

And the punishment he found worked the best as of late was teasing them and then denying their orgasms. As naughty as it sounds, it was the only method of punishment that worked. Because the 18 and 19 year old pups hated no being able to release, they would quickly become good boys, the second Jungkook even threatened the punishment.

So yeah reading the list he knew that Jimin definitely didn't want him doing the last one. Which was confirmed when he looked at the very bottom of the note;

P.s. When I say "punish them" I mean timeouts, taking privileges, and depending on how bad they're being spankings. Not that sexual shit you do to Hobi and Tae Tae. My babies are pure and innocent, don't you dare corrupt them.

– Love, Jimin xoxo.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. He quickly got to making everyone breakfast. And then set out toys and electronics for playtime.

The first few hours went perfectly. Everyone was on their best behavior and having fun. Well except Yoongi, who manly scowled the whole time.

But once nap time came around, that's when things started going down hill.

"Okay it's time for a nap, you can all nap down here together.", Jungkook announced.

"No.", said Yoongi.

"No?", Jungkook asked, raising a brow in confusion. He still couldn't believe that normally sweet and obedient kitten was being so naughty.

"No, YN sleeps with me, not these dogs.", Yoongi spat while pulling YN into his side. Meanwhile YN looked like she was annoyed by the clinginess, even with a pacifier in her mouth. Causing Jungkook to wonder if Jimin knew she was a 'little', just like Tae.

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