Squid & Ash fell out?!

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Wasn't sure about publishing this chapter because I'm probably wrong.
I'm not a huge fan of Ashdubh anymore, mainly because of his horrible grammar .. seriously, "summert" and why does he write "n" so much? IT ISNT A FISH N CHIPS SHOP!
(Sorry rant over)

So, this time last year he and the Squid basically recorded everyday, scrap mechanic, roblox and the whole shebang.
Then in September, after everyone moved out from those office places Ash proposed to his girlfriend Izzy and said Squid was going to be his best man...

They haven't tweeted each other since. Nor have they recorded a video together.

I know there was a big Halloween party and stuff but ever since then they haven't even mentioned each other. Did summert happen n they split up? (Sorry had to)
If someone's your 'best friend' they're gonna say happy birthday to you right?
It's Squid's birthday today, and Ash hasn't said a thing even bough he's been tweeting all day.
Ash, Amy and Speedy seem to keep in touch quite a bit.. maybe there's another split in the friendship groups?

They are still following each other- so maybe they are best friends still but.. they don't tweet or record together anymore???

Is Squid still the best man??

I'm probs overthinking this tbh :p

Btw I'm going to Italy next Wednesday so idk if I'll be updating chapters for those 5 days- we'll see :)

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