The decision

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Hi everyone, Ice is SOOOO sorry she hasn't wrote anything for weeks, but good news (for readers)! Ice has injured her foot pretty badly (she needs crutches) and has time of college, so she has nothing to do except write and watch Tv. Sorry it's short, enjoy the chapter.

I opened my eyes and sunlight burst through the door, Von jumped at me and lay against my legs.

"Good Morning (Y/n)! Astrid said everyone needs to meet in the clubhouse." I sit up and put my hand on Von's snout, I close the door to my hut and look through my wardrobe for my outfit. Once I'm dressed in my usual (f/c) tunic and black pants, I heard a knock at my door, I open it and see Heather in the white tunic from the night before.

"I left my clothes in here last night" I smile,walking over to her clothes I pick up the pile and hand them to her. She thanks me and we start to walk to the clubhouse together, she walks into Astrid's hut. Von walking alongside me to the clubhouse.

"Hey everyone, Von said you wanted everyone to meet here. What's going on?" I look around at everyone, Astrid had her head against the table and Hiccup had a block of ice held to his head. Tuffnut was playing with Chicken, Ruffnut was feeding Barf and Belch while simultaneously eating boar rines. Fishlegs was writing some details on the dragon cards he showed me, Snotlout walked in and sat down opposite me and I immediately punch him in the arm.

"We both know what was about to happen." I spoke sternly, he gripped his arm and I chuckle slightly.

"Yeah, I probably deserved that" Heather walked in and looked at the other riders and smirked slightly, she stood in the middle of the room and tried to get our attention.

"Guys, I've decided-" she stopped speaking when Dagur walked into the room, he smiled at the riders especially hung over Hiccstrid and sat down next to me, Heather started to speak again.

"I've decided I'm going to infiltrate the Dragon Hunters."

"No." I felt the word slip out of my mouth, everyone looked over to me and my expression turned emotionless.
"My father is ruthless, if he finds out then you could die, he could find out our plans, he is an expert in getting people to confess. I'll go back, Viggo won't suspect or hurt me. Besides, he already thinks I'm undercover for him." I explain , the riders look at me, staying in complete silence. Dagur placed his arm over my shoulder and intertwined our fingers.
"I'll go back" I felt his fist clench tightly, his breathing become deeper and I knew what he was thinking.

"I'll go. I'll go undercover" I release his hand and turn to look towards the direction of the voice and stare into the familiar green eyes of the red headed Berzerker.

"Dagur... No" He smiled and kissed my cheek, he whispered into my ear.

"(N/n), I'm doing this so you and Heather won't have to."

"Can I speak to you in private?" I drag him outside and away from the clubhouse.

"What's up? I thought you didn't want to Heather to go." He grabbed my arms gently and his emerald eyes stared into my (e/c) eyes.

"I don't, but I don't want to lose you either." He smiles at me and hugs me, whispering in my ear as he did so.

"(Y/n) I'll be fine."

"Viggo is too dangerous, if he even suspects you will betray him, he will kill you." My eyes began to tear up and run down my cheeks, he frowns and wipes the tears running down my cheeks.

"I know, but don't worry, I'll be fine." I felt his warm lips against mine and his muscular arms around me, I place my arms around him and kiss him back.

"Damn it. I love you so much Dagur." I whisper into his ear, tears running down my face, he tightened his grip around me and kissed my neck.

"I love you too." I smile and pull out of the hug, he wipes the tears from my face again and I hold his hand as we walked back to the clubhouse.

"Are you okay? You look sad" Hiccup asked, I nodded and sat down next to him, Dagur still stood up whispering to Heather.

"Everyone. I'm going to work with the dragon hunters." Everyone except the twins looked at me and I just nodded, I fake smile at Dagur, he smiles back. "I'm going so that my sister or my girlfriend won't have to. I'll be leaving at sundown."

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