All hallow's eve special

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I open my eyes and I'm instantly met with Dagur's sleeping face, I kiss his head and he wakes up. I stare into his emerald green eye and we smile at each other, he cupped my face in his hand and kissed me.

"Dagur, what are you doing this Halloween?" I climb out of my bed and walk over to my dresser covering my chest as I do. I pull a black dress on and tie a black leather cape around myself, Dagur stands up and dresses himself.

"I'm not doing anything. How about you?"

"Every year there's a party on my island and I was going to go, do you want to come?"

" what about your father? Won't he be there?"

"No, he wasn't allowed. I used to go with my mother before she..." Dagur wrapped he arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Don't get sad, (n/n), I'll go with you."

"I was thinking that we could all go, it is hosted by my grandfather."I hold Dagur's hand and walk out of the hut, we head towards the clubhouse.

"Your grandfather on your mothers side or Viggo's?" We walk into the clubhouse and sit down, everyone else except Hiccup and Astrid were there, we waited for them both to return from  island patrol. 

"On my mothers side." Hiccup and Astrid walk in and take a seat, I stand up and lean against the hexagonal table.

"Guys, do you want to go to a party? It's at my grandparents home."

"Will Viggo be there?"

"No, and he won't recognise you anyway, it's a costume party."

"Sure, sound like fun, is there a theme?" Hiccup spoke, I shake my head and everyone says I they have to go work on their costumes.

"Who are you going to go as Dagur?" Dagur walks over to me and kisses me, I place my arms over his shoulder and pull him closer so our lips are touching.

"I don't know, what about you?" I kiss his lips and hug him.

"I'm going as Alice from a story my grandfather read to me, 'Alice in Wonderland' it was my favourite book" I stand up an using a peice of paper I drew out Alice's dress.

"Is there anybody I could go as from that book?" I thought. It would be really freaking cute of Dagur went as the white rabbit, but he wouldn't agree to it.

"You could go as the mad hatter..." (The Deranged Hatter 😂) he agreed, I dragged him to my hut and we spent hours making his costume, I left Dagur to make the hat and still he messed it up.
After nearly 5 hours of hard work the costume is finished, and there is only 5 hours until the party started. I changed into the knee high black and white striped socks and pulled the black shoes on, I styled my hair and placed the black ribbon around my hair (you know what I mean). Dagur had on everything except for the hat which was still undergoing some minor corrections. I fixed his hat and placed it on his head, leaning up to kiss him first.

"You look so handsome." He placed his arms around my waist and kissed me again.

"And you look so adorable."
Dagur and I lay on my bed (no lemony stuff happening, just spooning), I hear his heartbeat and his breathe on my neck as he whispers into my ear.

"(N/n), I love you." I lay there, shocked. "(Y/n), are you ok?" I could barely breathe.

"I... L-Love...You too, D-Dagur" I whisper.  We lay in silence again, until Astrid stormed in looking for thread. I smile at her and give her the rest of the thread.

"Who are you going as Astrid?"

"Hiccup wants to go as Toothless so I'm going as a female Night Fury." I smile and wave goodbye to Dagur.

"Thats so cute, I'm helping!" I drag Astrid back to her hut and shut the door. I sit down on a crate and start sowing the costume together, Astrid sits on her bed sowing the wings. After an hour the costume was finished. I raced about the huts asking people if they needed help. Snotlout insisted that Fishlegs went as 'Thor Bonecrusher', the twins decided to both go as Loki, Snotlout went as 'Sir Olgrethorpe' and Heather chose to go as a Valkyrie.

We had two hours to get the party and I had just changed into my Alice costume, a ice blue dress with a white apron, and white frills to make it a Lolita dress. I two thin ropes around my wrists with labels on, one said 'eat me' and the other said 'drink me'. I climbed onto Von and lead the way to the party, Dagur rode along sides me until we arrived, I opened the stables and lead the dragons inside. Leaving the pens unlocked and open I left the stables, I lead the group to the entrance and walked through the crowd.

"Name." I stare at him.

"Seriously Raven?!" I smile as he looks up, I hug him and could feel Dagur staring angrily at him.

"Princess (y/n)! Just go in. Come speak to me later though."I walk past Raven and turn around, waiting for the other riders. Raven had stopped in front of them

"These 8 are with me." He stepped aside and let them all passed, I took Dagur's hand and entered the huge ballroom.

"Welcome to the King's annual Halloween ball, have fun. I'm gonna introduce Dagur to my grandfather." I look around the ballroom until I spot his throne and navigate through the dancing couples.

"Grandfather!" I run up to him, hugging him, Dagur smiling and stopped in front of him.

"(Y/n), how are you doing?"
He ruffles my hair and I stand next to Dagur and he took my hand in his.

"I'm great Grandfather. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Dagur, chief of the Berzerkers." Dagur squeezes my hand as my grandfather looks at him intensely.

"It's nice to meet you, Dagur. I'm glad to see that you are making (n/n) happy."

"King Jerrik." A man with long blonde hair and green eyes walked up next to Jerrik, he looked at me and smiled, waving to me.

"Yes Adrian, what's wrong?" Jerrik looked at Adrian and pointed towards the twins, eating food like wild boars.

"Those two guests... Need I say more." I smirk at the twins and walk of towards them.

"Hey, you two! Ruff, Tuff. If you don't stop messing around and start eating with at least a shred of elegance then your going to get kicked out. I told you before we left, BEST BEHAVIOUR! And if you do I'll cook tons of food when we get back to the Edge and you can eat however you wish." I walked back towards Adrian, Dagur and Jerrik.

"So did (y/n) say she was going to go as Alice?"
Jerrik questioned.

"Yeah, then I asked her if there was anybody I could go as..." Dagur responded and was interrupted by me.

"And I said the Mad Hatter" Dagur places his hand over my shoulder and kisses my cheek.

We spent the next hour talking with my grandfather then I  decided to I wanted to  dance, I asked the band to play my favourite song and forced Dagur to dance to.

'Let the wind carry us through the clouds, hurry up, alright' (ice is sure you know the rest of the song, if not its 'Where no one goes' by Jonsi)

'We can travel so far as our eyes can see'
'We go where no one goes, we slow for no one, get out of our way'

I dance enthusiastically while Dagur wasn't even trying, although he saw how happy it made me and he danced with more effort, other people started dancing, Hiccup and Astrid and Heather and Fishlegs joined in to. Ruff, Tuff and Snotlout had found other people to dance with.

It was just before 12 when we left the ball and as we left we shot fire blasts into to sky like fireworks and the twins made ghosts and skulls in the sky with the zippleback gas. We arrived back at the edge at 1 am and all slumped off to our huts, exhausted. Dagur and I crawled into my bed, not even attempting to change clothes.

Authors note

Happy All Hallows' eve (Ice call it that because she is pagan, kind off). Hope, to those who are trick or treating, that you get lots of sweets and money. ( trick or treat later at night and you get money, it worked for ice)

Ice loves you all and ice thanks everyone who has commented, favourited, or voted for any of the chapters. You are ice's best friend-o's and she worship you.

Word count 1488

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