Dragonese, Dreams and Dad

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-the edge-

"So how is everyone liking their food?" I look around to the twins and Snotlout shovelling food into their mouths, Hiccup,Astrid and Fishlegs ate politely as they ate their food.

"It's- mmmhmm- wonderful" Tuffnut spoke, shoving more food into his mouth.

"yeah, I can't believe you made this" Astrid took a bite of it and spoke, they all complement my cooking, I look over to Toothless who looks wearily at the food. Walking over to him I speak to him.
"Why don't you trust me, Toothless?" In dragonese he responds.

"You smell of Viggo and Ryker" I panicked and walked out of the clubhouse ushering Toothless to follow.

"Toothless, I am Viggo Grimborn's daughter, but you have to trust me. I hate my father and everything he stands for, after my mothers death, anyway." Toothless apologies and smells my again, he smells my mothers scent, and he calms down. Toothless and I walk back into the clubhouse then I ask Astrid where her hut was, I walk to the hut with Astrid, making idle conversation as we walk. She sets up a bed and climbs into hers, she says goodnight as both of us fell asleep.

"Daughter, tomorrow at dawn a ship will arrive to bring you to me, I will feel better if you were with me at the base. I will be leaving tonight" Viggo stares at me with a caring smile on his face and with Ryker sitting next to him.

"Dadd-" I get cut of by Ryker giving me an evil stare .

" Daughter, their will be no negotiations or argument, I will join me at the dragon hunter base."

"Yes, daddy" He walks out with Ryker and leaves me alone in my house.
- end -
I wake up to the twins yelling through the thunder ear, quickly styling my hair (asuna's hair in sword art online) and walk out of Astrid's hut.

"LETS SEE WHAT TERROR MAILS CAME IN LAST NIGHT!!!" Panic spread throughout my entire body and you ran up to where the twins were, quickly looking for the one that said your name. I was not sure If one was there but I had to be sure. I notice one with my name and quickly grab it, i rapidly run down to Astrid's hut and hide the letter on myself, waiting to be completely alone before reading, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Chicken jumped past me,trying to get the missing T-Mail, knowing I had it. I slowly walk away and left the base, walking into small hidden cave. Removing the letter I read the name.'(y/n) G.' Opening the letter I hear the riders shouting my name looking for me.

'My daughter,

I hope you are safe while you are reading this, we are gathering our forces and will attack Dragon's Edge soon to bring you back to myself and your Uncle Ryker. I promised to protect you and do not fear, I will. I promised your mother.  Do not worry my darling, Hiccup is unable to harm anything so do not feel threatened by him or the other riders.

I shall be with you soon my daughter.
With love,


'(Y/n) are you ok?" Hiccup walks into the cave and sits down next to me, I quickly cover the letter and look at Hiccup.

"I-I am fine, it is just, its too early for the twins shenanigans."He laughs.

"Yeah, they always find a way to ruin at least one part of your day, just be glad they got it done early. Is that a letter?" He joked then pointed towards the crumpled up letter in my hands.

"Yes, is Toothless with you?" Hiccup nods, confused.
"Toothless, can you do me a favour? Set this on fire" I walk out of the cave and hold it up for Toothless, he charges up his plasma blast and shoots it at the letter, i watch the letter burn down to nothing in my hands.

"What was that for?" Hiccup watched the letter fall to the floor and burned beyond recognition.

"It was a letter from my father." I begin to walk back to the edge.

"Your father isn't dead?" He climbs onto Toothless.

"No, he is not, but he may as well be to me, Toothless knows who he is, don't you boy? But he promised not to tell." Hiccup looked down into Toothless' eyes and Hiccup held his hand out towards me, grabbing it he lifted me onto Toothless' back.

"Thank you Toothless." I whisper to him.

"(Y/n), how would you feel about getting your own dragon? I mean, there are tonnes of dragons and I'm sure there's one you'll like." I mentally think of my favourite dragon (other than toothless) and agree.
" Great, what dragon would you like?!" Hiccup spoke enthusiastically, almost yelling, really.

If you want to know, you'll have to read the next chapter. See you next week.

Love Ice xxx

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