Meeting the Deranged

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n) Grimborn! Wake up." The twins bang on my door until I leave the hut, giving them a evil look I walk strait past them and greet the rest of the riders.

"Morning (y/n), sorry we can stay to talk today but we've got to go to Berk, if you want you can come too" Hiccup saddled up toothless and climbed onto his back, the other riders followed suit and soon they were all ready to go. I jump onto Von's back and join them, I decide that (because of the twins) I didn't get enough sleep and fell asleep on Von's back.

"Hi, I'm Hiccup, son of Stoick" a medium length, brown haired boy walks up to me standing alongside a tall reddish brown bearded man, he reached his hand out and I shook it.

"Hello, I'm (y/n), what can you tell me about dragons?" I watched the tall man greet my mother and she smiles at me, I then remembered to reason I agreed to come along.

"Dragons? If you want to learn about dragons my friend Fishlegs has memorised the book of dragons" Hiccup points to a pudgy (plz forgive meh)boy with short blonde hair who is being tormented by a pair of long blonde haired twins.

"May I please meet him?" Hiccup leads me to Fishlegs and introduces me to all of his friends.

I awake to Hiccup shouting my name as we approached Berk, looking around me were swarms of colourful dragons, a large, reddish brown bearded man approached Hiccup as we landed, I recognised him from a few encounters I had when I was very young and with my mother.

"Hey dad. I'd like you to meet out newest rider, (y/n)" I hold out my hand and he shakes it, feeling his rough calloused hands against my fragile hands.

"It is a pleasure to see you again Stoick the vast" all of the riders and Stoick looked at me confused.

"Again, lass? I don't think we've ever met." I smile at him and begin to explain.

" We have met a few times when I was with my mother, Princess Alfheim the lightning blade." The riders look shocked and amazed Stoick looks like he's see a ghost.

"We'd heard you and your mother had died, anyway, welcome to Berk princess. Hiccup, Dagur will be arriving soon to sign the peace treaty, help me make sure everything's running smoothly" Hiccup walks off with Stoick and the other riders bring themselves out of the shock.

"You're a princess?" Snotlout spoke, he started flirting with me and started to jokingly take him on, I followed along until he was at the edge of the island then punched him off the cliff.

"How does he fall for it EVERY. SINGLE .TIME?" I laugh with the rest of the riders and a few of the villagers, including Spitelout. I ask Hookfang to get him as his girly scream got quieter I look over the side and watch him quickly get caught by Hookfang.
An hour later I hear a manic laugh from the skies and see a average height man with a scar on the right side of his face and short red hair ride up on a green Gronkle to meet Stoick and Hiccup.

"Is that Dagur?" I look towards the group, they all say yes and I walk up to him to get a better look, he jumps of his dragon and greets them, wrapping his arm around Hiccup and yelling.

"BROTHER! It's so good to see you, how is everyone?" I walk up behind Hiccup and the Gronckle, taking an instant liking to me jumps on top of me and I fall to the ground.
"Shattermaster! Off boy" Dagur told him, he helped me up and smiled at me.

"Hi there, sorry about that, Shattermaster never does that. I'm Dagur, and you would be? New, I'm guessing." I brush the dirt off my clothes and move the hair out of my eyes.

"My name is (y/n) and this is Von, I believe you owned him once." Von walked over to Dagur and bowed his head, in gratitude of saving his life.

"SKRILLY!" Dagur held out his hand and felt the Skrill's cold leathery scales against his own rough hands.

" will you be attending the treaty signing,(y/n)?" He looks at me excitedly with a large smile on his face.

"Only if I am requested to be, Chief."

"If that's so then I request that you attend with me." He holds his hand out and I take it in mine.Astrid walks up to me and whispers into my ear.

"Looks like Dagur likes you, and like him too." She mocks me.

"That is impossible Astrid. The last person who wanted to be my betrothed had to bring my father three dragon eggs, one was a whispering death, the second a Boneknapper and third a Death song, he managed to get all of them but the Death song egg was taken, so he went to get another and he never came back." I walk with Dagur to the Meade hall where the treaty was going to get signed. Taking a seat opposite Dagur and next to Hiccup, Dagur looked actually sad that I wasn't sitting next to him, but I felt kind of glad. If my heart beats any faster, I was certain it would pop out of my chest, I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach and a notch in my throat, like words was trying to say themselves.

The treaty signing was relatively boring, listening to adjustments that had to be made from the previous year. Some of which made me snicker, making me receive strange looks from the other attendees, Dagur smiled at me every time I laughed. It was finally finished and I walked off with Astrid to have some 'girl time' meeting Heather at raven point where Hiccup met Toothless.

"So, do you like Dagur?" She asked while Heather was retrieving her double sided axe. (That thing is so unbelievably awesome, I want one)

"I don't know, what does it mean if I actually feel nervous around him and my chest hurts when he says my name?" Heather walks over and sits on a rock next to Astrid.

"What're you guys talking about?"

"(Y/n)'S IN LOVE WITH DAGUR!!" Astrid blurts out, yelling at her I punch her in the arm telling her to shut up.

"You're in love with my brother? Well good luck to you both, my brother's been depressed lately, maybe you can make him happier."

"Ughhh! What the Helheim should I do?!"

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