Part 1

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My name is Barry Allen, a normal guy with a normal life. Well, that's what everyone thinks. I'm not as normal as everyone thinks I am, I might be a little faster than a regular guy. And with a little I mean a lot. People do know that a person like that exists, they call him "The Flash". The number one super hero of town. They just don't know that I'm the man underneath the mask.

Ofcourse there are people who do know my identity. Joe, my father and Iris my sister. Caitlyn and Cisco also know. But nobody else knows my darkest secret. And I would like to keep it that way.

My alarm klock goes off. The start of another day at work. I dress up, eat my breakfest and make my way to the CCPD. As I walk in I see Joe talking to my captain, but when he sees me he comes over. "Have you heard?" he asks. "Heard what?" I reply. "You are going to share your lab, with the new scientist. He just arrived." For a couple of seconds I couldn't move. Sharing my lab?! That lab has always been my place, for years. "Really?" Was the only thing I could say. 

As I made my way to my lab to meet my new partner, I got nervous. What if he doesn't like me? Or I hate him? But when I opened the door al my thoughts were wiped away. Because it wasn't a guy. It was a girl. With beautiful brown hair and bright blue eyes. "Hi, I am Jessica" she said when I opened the door. "Hi" I said, not knowing what else to say. a silence followed. It took her a couple of minutes to break it by saying: "do you work here for long?" "Yeah, kinda. I have worked here for two years now." She seemed to think about what I said. Like she had to decide whether she wanted to know more about this topic. appearently she wanted. "Two years? Well I'm new here as you might know." "I know, well I could help you get to know the place. If you like. " She didn't need much time to think about it. "Yes, yes I would love that." We talked some about the place she used to work before she came here. As I was going home all I could think about was the more time I get to spend with her. Jessica.

As I opened the door of our house, I walked into Iris. She looked at me, and started smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I ask. "Because you look... different." Different? What is that supposed to mean? "What do you mean different?" I ask. "Your glowing." "Glowing? What on earth do you mean?" I litterly had no clue what she meant with that. "I heard you got a new lab partner." Was all she could say. "Yeah, Jessica." She looked at me with that stupid smile again. "Jessica? A girl?" And I instendly know what she means with glowing. "Yeah a girl, I'm going to grab a shower." So I could leave this conversation. 

As I landed on my bed I was still thinking about her. I don't know what it means, maybe I'm just relieved that she is kind, and not cruel. I assume that that's it. with that thought in my mind I fall asleep. When I wake up I hear the sound of my alarm clock again. I get up, put on some clothes and do my hear, I normally don't really care about my looks but for some reason I do care today. As I make my way to my lab, Cisco calls me and asks if I could stop by at Star Labs after work. I open the door to the lab and walk to my desk. She isn't here yet. Five minutes later she runs in, I look suprised at her. She drops the paperwork in her hands when she tripps over some lost stuff on the ground. She looks irritated. I walk over to her, I help her with her stuff, and welcome her. She says something like "hi". But I didn't quite hear her. I go back to work. Until she appologises to me. "Sorry, I had a rough night." she says. "Don't worry we all know those." She smiles, sweet and pure. "Shall I lead you around town this midday?" I ask. "Sure." She replies. Full of satisfaction I go back to work.

That's the first chapter guys! Feel free to vote and comment!

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