"Oh." Betty said with a blink. "It's you."

"Well, is it such a pleasure to see you again?" Garnet smiled and ruffled her hair. "How was your day?"

"Good, I guess..."

"That's good to know." She looked at Cole. "So, what brings our friends here today?"

"Oh, that's something we can explain." Sunset said. "But, will you promise to keep it to yourself when you see it?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

"Okay, let's go outside, shall we?" Cole got everyone's attention before making his way to the backyard with the others following him.

Meanwhile, Sunset only looked at Garnet. With her grin slowly turning into a frown, she thought, Sans...

After everyone was outside, most of them were sitting down on the bench while Cole went to get something in the forest that surrounded his home. As they waited for his return, they all enjoyed freshly cut slices of watermelon that were cut by Cole. Betty and Kumu were enjoying it the most because they never had it before. Both of them enjoyed the juicy texture and the flavor that came with it.

"He may not be a skilled cook," Sunset said, after swallowing a bit of watermelon. "But he does know how to pleasure his guests."

"I wouldn't agree less." Garnet nodded, for she had agreed.

As they ate, Betty suddenly noticed Cole come back with a wheeled crate that he was pushing. The others noticed as well, but they were mainly looking at the crate.

"Um, what's in that crate?" Michael asked, pointing at the crate.

"Oh, just one of the most terrifying creatures known to Strange Ones only." Cole answered, then pried the crate open with his bare hands and ripped one side off.

The only thing that came out of it was a familiar creature that took the form of a humongous, black wolf with a white, mask-like marking on it's face. Fortunately, everyone except for Michael knew what it was.

"Is that a Beowolf?" Sunset's eyes widen as she hesitantly points at the wolf creature.

"You're darn right it is, Sunny." Cole said with a grin. "This bad boy will be used for Michael's training."

"I'm going to fight that thing?!" Michael yelled.

"Of course not." He laughed. "I'm just going to need someone for a demonstration on how to kill this guy with a scythe. Anyone want to volunteer?"

Confident, Betty raised an arm and said, "I'll do it. I have a scythe after all."

"Wait, Betty." Ren placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure about this?"

"Relax, Reginald." She shrugged his hand off her shoulder. "If I can fight a giant blob monster in just one day, I pretty sure I can fight that thing. Besides, I'm artificially made."

"As you wish, I guess."

"Thank you." Betty let out her hand for her companion. "Come on, Kumu. Let's do this."

With a smile, Kumu proudly shifted into his scythe form and Betty marched up to the wolf creature. She slowly walked with her eyes on the wolf beast while it walked with the same pace as her.

"Ha! What's wrong?" Betty taunted the Beowolf. "Do I look intimidating enough, or will you fight despite what I wield?"

The wolf roared and charged at Betty. But before it could have a chance to grab her, she jumped into the air. Then, she summoned her spear and threw it at the wolf. The spear hit it's shoulder and it roared in pain with it's paw at the area where the pink spear hit. Betty landed on the ground and looked at the wolf, who yanked the spear out of it's shoulder. The Beowolf roared again and charged at her, preparing to scratch her with it's claws. Betty spun her scythe and and charged at the wolf before sliding under him and kicking him in the air. Already kneeling on one leg, Kumu molded himself onto her right leg and she hoisted herself up. When she was at the same level the wolf was at, she kicked it with her right leg and the wolf hit the ground.

"Darn!" Cole exclaimed after Betty landed on the ground. "This kid's got skills. How?"

"Let's just say that she was born with them." Ren said. "Also, she mastered them since birth."

"I see."

Garnet carefully watched as Betty spun and sliced at the wolf with her scythe. She was honestly impressed with what Cole is doing to help Michael prepare for their battle with the Cassie and the Maidens. She looked down at the camera necklace she was wearing, then looked at Michael.

I don't understand... Garnet thought. Why is Sans not allowing him to help us? Yes, he is human, but that doesn't mean he is not special.

"Please excuse me..." She got up from the bench and walked away.

After she walked to one side of the house, she took the camera necklace off her neck and looked at it. Then, she shook her head at it.

Back at the van, the others looked at the footage. Sans raised an eyebrow at the screen of the camera necklace.

"Garnet, what are you doing?" He wanted to know as he glared.

Then suddenly, it went static. It only took a moment to recognize what she had done. Finally, it hit them: Garnet destroyed the camera she was wearing around her neck.

"I don't want to think that she aborted our mission," Axel said before crossing his arms. "But, that was just cold."

"But, why?" Papyrus asked.

"Who knows?" Mae replied. "I guess she really approved of what Cole is doing to help that kid. Right, Sans?"

Sans didn't response. All he did was stare at the static with a blank expression on his skull face.

"Sans?" Applejack poked his arm.

"Sans, are you doing okay?" Olivia asked, concerned.

Then, he responded with a scoff. His blank face turned into a glare and his left eye glowed before he teleported away, out of the van. The others were left with wide eyes.

"He's mad." Mae said.

"Oh, how I hate to see Sans mad!" Papyrus replied.

With Garnet, she stared at the destroyed camera in her hand. Suddenly, she heard a sound of a wolf dying and she ran back to the others. She turned to what they were looking at: Betty with her scythe's blade poking at the wolf's chest. She had killed the Beowolf. After she yanked her scythe out of it's chest, it turned into dust.

Strange Ones: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now