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They arrived at a large house, Louis knew that some people could afford large extravagant houses, but the town he lived in usually never had any big houses, no one had enough money to own one. To be fair he didn't even really know if they were still in the town. It felt like it had been hours since the Alpha started carrying him, why the Alpha had walked so far away from his house puzzled Louis as well. He didn't have much more time to think though, the Alpha had opened the large double doors leading into the house which seemed to have a mix of modern yet rustic interior. Once in the house Louis was set down on the floor, the freedom didn't last long however before his upper arm was tightly gripped. Getting out of the mud room he got an idea of how many rooms there just were in the house. He felt as if he was going to get lost if he had to stay there.

The young Omega was then dragged up a flight of stairs. Every person they would pass on this 'journey' would either completely ignore them or they would send Louis sympathetic looks which just went and confused the boy even more. Did they know he was just kidnapped? Did they know something that Louis doesn't? Who even are all these people, most of them seemed to be Bettas yet there were Omegas who seemed to be the ones to completely Ignore him and put their heads down.

They stopped at a door and the Alpha reached above the door and grabbed a key unlocking the door. "You will be staying here" He had said as he opened the door, exposing the small room that looked a bit dusty but yet like a sterile hospital room.

"what?" Louis asked and shook his head. Stay there? For how long? Was he right? Would he really never see his parents ever again?

The Alpha let out a low growl and rolled his eyes"I know you heard me. You will stay in this room, you will be allowed out only if accompanied by myself" he enforced

Louis furrowed his brows and protested "That's not fa-fair"

"How is it not?" The Alpha asked with a smile, a teasing smile, a smirk if you will. He knew that the Omega didn't mean to say that out loud and would rather not talk in front of him at all.

Louis pouted at the Alphas teasing tone and let out a small "Because I want my mummy"

The taller and presumably older shook his head then completely changed the topic "How old are you?"


It was quite for a bit before the Alpha pushed the boy into the room "I'll come get you for dinner, enjoy your stay" The man said with a smirk once again, knowing Louis would anything but enjoy it.


"Hey bitch!" The blonde yelled as he walked into his friends office.

The other didn't even look up from his papers, which he always seemed to be looking at, but greeted his friend back "Hi Noel"

Niall rolled his eyes and walked over to his friend and smacked him in the head. "I love you too Horton."

The Alpha did look up this time as he had finished writing down what he needed to and gave a smile to Niall "We've got a new one"

Niall gave a disappointed look and a sigh "H, you said you were going to stop"

Harry shrugged "Eh, business is business. People like my omegas, I will continue to sell them"

Niall sighed once again. He hated what his friend does. He couldn't just leave the house though, not when he's the only one who stands up for the Omegas in the house. They have no voice of their own, too scared of the Alpha to say a word against him. He couldn't leave them there. "Where'd you find this one?" He asked clearing off a spot on Harrys desk before plopping his butt down on the cleared spot, earning a glare from the Alpha, he had been working on those papers.

"Somewhere in the country, Outside his house, Im guessing, there was another Alpha on him"

Niall furrowed his brows, the country? Why was Harry in the country in the first place? He only goes there when he goes on runs to his 'friends' house. "Why the fuck were you by his house anyway?"

"I was going for my run, I wasn't able to this morning, I had a meeting" the Alpha explained. And oh! Niall does remember Harry saying that he left something at his 'friends' house last time he went and was going to retrieve it in the late morning. It was an hour away for Harry when he ran. It left him enough time to clear his mind.

"How old is he?"

Harry looked at his friend and gave a half nervous smile, bringing his shoulders up a bit and tilting his head. "Fourteen"

Niall's eyes widened and he jumped off of the desk and hit his friend across the head making the Alpha let out a growl.  "Fourteen! Harold! Send him back, he's probably terrified and missing his family"

The Alpha growled again and barked out a quick "No! Hes mine now!"

"I will not let you let people use him like that" Niall yelled

Harry shook his head "I won't do that unless someone is willing to pay a fortune. He'll be kept in his current room until he's seventeen, then he will be sold out." he explained with that same smirk that always seemed to be plastered on his face.

Niall groaned, he was so frustrated he could honestly cry, he threw his arms in the air "Harry, you can't just do that"

The Alpha leaned back in his office chair and crossed his arms. "I do what I want Niall. And don't you dare try to take him back"

It was Niall's turn this time to shake his head "Last time I tried to help an omega escape you locked me in a room with Liam for a week" he desperately wanted to help the young Omega he had yet to meet, but being locked in a room with an Alpha who is obsessed with you, is not a nice thing. He was just grateful that Liam had self control.

"You deserved it"

"No, YOU, deserve it"

Harry narrowed his eyes at the man "Leave Niall, and don't you dare go in the boys room"

"Okay, but Im just stating facts bitch" Niall called as he walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind him. He leaned against the wall for a second and muttered "like Id ever listen to him", he scuffed and walked away to find the boy.


Word Count: 1148

I promise this book gets better in the future chapters.

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