Chapter 22 | Gone Wrong

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A/n: So uh. Sorry.

Y/n's POV

"CUUT!" Mr. Mettaton said. "Well done, students will be entering the audi in 5 minutes. It'll probably take 15 to 20 minutes so relax for now." He said before leaving the place to get the students.

I groaned as I forcefully sat on one of the wood boxes filled with props which was against a wall. "You okay?" Paperjam asked as he pulled a box and placed it next to mine for him to sit down on it. I nodded as I leant my back on the wall and closed my eyes to try to lessen the pain of the headache that is eventually killing me right now. "Have painkillers?" I asked him. He shook his head no, but I couldn't see it. "Hm?" I asked him one more time just incase he didn't hear me. "Oh sorry, I thought you could see me, but no, I don't." He replied while he scratched the back of his neck. "Itsh fine..." I mumbled as I tried to relax.

Keyword, tried

Just as I was about to feel the relaxation take over me- "GOOD MOORNING TO ALL OF YOOUU!" Mr. Mettaton shouted to which the students shouted back.

(Hey. This is author-chan. I'm sorry if this is taking too long. I'm gonna stop here for now. My thumbs won't respond. I'm using my index finger and it's too hard and takes up too much of my time.)

'Aish.. God-fucking-damnit!' I cursed as I glared at Mr. Mettaton back.

"A-as you all know, we are having a play today! The Romeo and Juliet play!" Mr. Mettaton said as he stuttered a bit. The students all cheered.

The manager all motioned all of the characters for the first scene to get behind the curtains. I quickly ran to my place on the stage.

"We will be starting in a few seconds!" He announced as I felt shivers going down my spine. 'Ok, I got this'. I prepped myself up.

The curtains opened up as lights shone, blinding my eyes.

"Romeo and Juliet! A play by William Shakespeare!"

The play started. It was my turn to speak up, but..

It all went wrong.



I was walking with CC and my bro Damien. We were on our way to school.

"So uh. Are you ready for later?" Chara asked me to which I nodded to. "Yup. I practiced my lines before I got out of bed." I told him. "Nice." My bro replied to.

My head started to ache really badly. I clutched on the my bro's shoulder as I felt my knees weaken. "Hey-hey hey. Y/n! Are you okay?!" Damien panicked. "Duh- she's obviously not okay." Chara said as he helped me up.

"We need pills. ASAP" Damien said.

Damien's POV

"We need pills. ASAP" I said as I saw this vendor who was selling shit.

"Sir, do you have anything- just anything to help cure my sister?" I asked politely. "Yeah. I have these pills she's supposed to take." The old man chuckled. I looked at him.

"That'll do sir." I said to the man. Chara looked at me darkly. "What?" I asked him. "Why the fuck would take these?! It can be poison or anything dangerous! We could just go to a trustable drug store right around the cotner!" He shouted at me.

"JUST GO WITH THIS, OKAY?!" I shouted at him. He seemed to be shocked by my sudden outburst be he still seemed to be pissed off.

"How much will it take?" I asked him. "Ohoho~ It'll cost nothing~ as long as your sister takes it!" The man said as he had this smile. I ignored it and took the pills from the man.

I made Y/N drink it. The man looked pleased when she took it. I said thanks to the man before leaving. I carried her to a bench and sat her down. A few minutes later, she finally woke up.

"Huh. Damien. What happened?" She asked me.

"Oh, you kinda felt tired and I had to carry you and then you fell asleep in my arms."

"Is this true Chara?"

I looked at him. He gave her a convincing smile and said yes.

"Oh. Alright..."

"I kinda feel dizzy" I heard her mumble under her breathe.

              ----FLASHBACK END----


I feel the world spinning. I suddenly collapse to the floor.

All I heard before blacking out was people shouting, commenting and bickering.

"Y/N! Please don't do this to me!"


Kinda short.. I'm sorry

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