Chapter 9; WHY ME?!

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Im doing this while Im talking with my friends so dont ask me why there is too much errors
1st Period- Art: Mr. Ink
2nd Period- P.E: Mr. Error
3rd Period- Cooking Class: Mr. Cloud
4th Period- Gymnastic Class: Mr. Cross
5th Period- History: Mr. Nightmare
Free Period
6th Period- Astrology: Mr. Dream
7th Period- Music Class: Ms. Shyren
8th Period- Drama Class: Mr. Mettaton
Club Period

(Y/n)'s POV

"(Y/n)?" Damien asked me. "Are you okay?" He asked worringly. "I-im okay." I said. "Are you sure? You dont seem okay." He asked once again. "Im okay. Please dont be worried" I said.
"Well, alright. Lets go to the cafeteria then" He said while grabbing my hand. "Okay" I said while we walked to the cafeteria. I met some of the people while walking. We arrived. I saw someone talking to PJ and he seems to be very annoyed by this brat. "Should I?" I asked Damien and I know he knew what I was talking about. "Go" He said with a so-not-sure face. I walked up to PJ and said "Having trouble there bud?" "Oh (Y/n)! Save me!" Paperjam gripped on my arm. "Oi! No one steals my PJ!" Tha brat said while stealing PJ. I remembered that SF told me about this girl. Her name was Bunny. "Says the brat who thinks shes the prettiest in the school" I mumbled but loud enough to for her to hear. She gasped "What did you just say you bitch?!" She annoyingly said to me. "I said that your one ugly, worthless brat. Oh and also, Bitch means female dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are nature and nature is beautiful so I take that as compliment." I said while smirking. I heard some 'OOOHHHHHHH's and some 'That was good comebacks!' From the crowd. "Oh why you! Urgh! Ill get you next time!" She said while stomping away. "Thanks" He said. "Nahh that was easy." I said. Paperjam then lead me to his table. He jestured me to sit down next to him and I did so. I met two other monsters sitting with us.


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"Ey PJ

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"Ey PJ. Whos that?" The cat said pointing at me. "Oh her? Shes (Y/n). She saved me from the Bunny brat." PJ explained. "And she beated him at dodgeball." Undyne said with a smirk on her face. "And she beated me at dodgeball" He added. "That's really amazing. Names Skate Girl." She said. "Burgerpants" the cat said. Ok, more people met. We talked about stuff and how the students are doing. We were talking and PJ was drinking his shake then suddenly, the bell rang which made him spill his drink all over him. "Great." He sarcasticly said while bursted into laughter. He stood up and ran to the bathroom to wash it off. "Hey guys, what are your next classes?" I asked them as curiosity filled me. "I have astrology." Burgerpants said. "While I have Music." Skate Girl said. "Ey! I have Music next too!" I replied instantly with a smile. I was glad I was with someone. "That's great! Let's go together" She said with excitement in her eyes. The bell suddenly rang. PJ finally came out of the bathroom. We were running through the exit when we passed by PJ. "Bye PJ! We'll see you next class!" We both said in unison as we saluted PJ. He just nodded and also made his way out of the cafeteria. Music class. "FIRST" I shouted as I landed on the floor. "No fair" she said on the floor, pouting. I stook a tongue out which made her gasp. We finally chilled and we sat at the back. Someone came in the room and it was PJ. Oh, didn't know we had the same class. "OI PJ!" Skate Girl shouted waving at him. "Oh! Didn't know we had the same classes" He replied while walking torwards us. He sat down an empty seat beside me. The teacher finally entered the room.

"Good morning class! I see that we have a newcomer

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"Good morning class! I see that we have a newcomer." Ms. Shren greeted us. I nodded and stood up to say my introduction, I did my usual one and sat down after. "For today's activity, please group yourselves into three and come up with a acapella. Do I make myself clear?" She instructed us. I heard a few 'yes' and I saw some nods. I knew who I was gonna be with, PJ and Skate Girl. I looked at them and they looked at me. They gave me the 'I know what your talking about' face. We nodded and started laughing. We stopped laughing and we started to think of something to present. I finally got an idea and it seems like they also too. "I have an idea!" I said. "Me too" "also me" they both said. "3. 2. 1. Megalovania." We three both said in unison. "Ok, lets get started now shall we?" I asked them and they nodded their heads in response. We started practicing and organizing thing and how they work. We finally got the rythym and tune perfect. Ms. Shryen told us to pick one piece of paper and see when we will perform. PJ volunteered to get the paper, he went back and sat down with the paper. "Uh, guys, we have to perform...last..." PJ said. "Uh, thats okay?" I said. "Eh, just deal with it" Skate Girl said, she seems okay about it. We listened to performances and it was not bad. It finally got to our turn, we stood up and headed for the stage. "(Y/n), PJ and Skate Girl!" Ms. Shyren announced. I took a deep breath and we started singing, I was doing it eyes closed because it feels good plus it removes my nervousness.
(Im not gonna add lyrics cuz megalovania doesnt have any lyrics rite? XD) . We were done performing and when I opened my eyes, everyone was clapping, it made me smile. We sat down and soon the bell rang, indicating next class. We left the classroom and Skate Girl asked us "What class do you have next?". "Drama" Me and PJ said in unison. "I have drama next too." We started walking to the Drama Room. We went inside and everyone I knew was in there. Palette, Swapfell, Fresh, Alphys, Undyne, Damien- EVERYONE. I guess Drama class is everoyones last period. I went to sit down with Damien, not wanting to scare him. "Looks like your here now." He stated, obviously. "Isn't that obvious?" I asked a bit irritated. The teacher then entered the room.

"Good morning darlings! I seen that we have new students so won't you come up here in stage!" Mr

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"Good morning darlings! I seen that we have new students so won't you come up here in stage!" Mr. Mettaton happily said as we got in front. We did our normal introduction and sat down. "(Y/n) and Damien huh? Such fabulous names!" He said in enthusiasim. "We are gonna have a role play for this month's activity! And its about, Romeo and Juliet!" He instructed (*jazz hands). I heard some cheers and some groans. "First of all, we need to choose a Juliet among the crowd!". Bunny the brat wanted to be it so badly. She raised her hand instantly, "Me! Me! I want to be Juliet! I want PJ to be my Romeo~ Or maybe Damien?" She said. Disgusting. "Uh, how about the voting mechanics? It seems to be easier and much more fair...I dont want that brat to be the Juliet." Mr. Mettaton said but he whispered the last part. We didn't heat it tho. Everyone inserted a paper with a name in the box. I just wrote Undyne. I didn't know who to vote for so why not her? Even tho she hates being it. Once the students are done putting the paper, Mr. Mettaton started counting the slips of paper. "I have counted and it seems like, someone unusual won. Its....(*drumroll*) (Y/n). (Y/n) won!" Mr. Mettaton announced. I heard cheers and I heard something from the bunny bitch. "How could she won?! I'm the prettiest in the school!" She pouted which made me dance mentally in joy. Tho I still don't want to be Juliet. "C-can you pick s-someone else?" I asked Mr. Mettaton. "Nuh-uh darling, you have won and nothing can stop that." He stated. I just pouted and sat back down. "Now, for the Romeo!" Mr. Mettaton said as students started lining up for the box.

Oh hey, ummm you guys have the opportunity to choose who you want the Romeo to be and please choose wisely, please comment down because if we have no votes, it means no next chapter, so please vote. Atleast one vote would do! VOTE FOR THE ROMEO!! Thankies~
Dani out~

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