Chapter 6; Cooking Class

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting on a chair waiting for the teacher then suddenly, Fresh comes and sat down next to me. "Oh! Heya Fresh!" I said as I gave him fingerguns. "Hey (Y/N)!" Fresh replied as he also gave me fingerguns. "....." We didnt reply but we kept giving each other fingerguns. We gave each other the 'you know what Im talking about' look. "Fingerguns~" we both said in unison. We bursted into laughter, people started looking at us weirdly. I saw some boys sending glares at Fresh but I just shrugged it off. "Good morning class! My name is Cloud9 but I prefer you calling me Mr. Cloud. I heard there were new student so would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Cloud said as I got up and said my introduction. I sat back down on my chair and listened. "So for todays activity, you'll be making any dessert you want. Youll be doing this by partners! Now start!" Mr. Cloud instructed. I chose Fresh to be my partner. "How about cupcakes?! We could make enough for the class!" I said very excited. "Woah (Y/N)! Calm down! Yes, we could do cupcakes!" Fresh replied. "Yaaay! You do the frosting!" I said as I got the bowl. I added eggs, flour, milk and probably everything you need to make a cake. I turned to look at how's Fresh doing and... it was a mess. He keeps eating the frosting. I face-palmed myself, "Fresh." I sternly said. "I-im sorry! It just taste soo good!" Fresh said as he got frosting on his nose. I giggled, "Look, you made a mess! Your gonna clean that!" I said as I got a piece a tissue. I grabbed his chin and wiped the frosting. He blushed, "W-well, y-y-y-you go back to w-w-work!" Fresh stuttered. I got back to what I was doing. I then put the batter in the cupcake mold (whats that thing called again?). I went to put the tray thingy in the oven and set up the timer and temparature. I helped Fresh in doing the frosting, "See, its easier if I did it" I said as I mixed the frosting with a (F/C) dye. He just pouted like 5 year old as I make the decorations. "Aaaand! Done!"


"Oh! The cupcakes done!" I said as I got the cupcakes from the oven. "Ohh~ smells good!" Fresh said as he tried to get a piece. "Nope!" I reacted quickly as I slapped Fresh's hand away. "Aawww! Can I atleast help you with the decoratiooons???" Fresh begged. "Fine. As long as you dont make a mess." "Yaaayyy!". We done the decorations with Fresh still trying to eat the cupcakes. "Ok class! Times up! Stop working! Ill go taste each one of the dessert you made!" Mr. Cloud announced as he started walking around. He tasted the other ones and now hes going torward us. "What are these?" Mr. Cloud asked. "Cupcakes" Fresh and I said in unison. Mr. Cloud nodded as he got a piece and tasted it. His face lit up as he got a bite. "This is good! You get A+ for this!" Mr. Cloud said. Other students started taking cupcakes from the tray. There were 6 left on the tray. Fresh looked at me with a 'can I have?' Face, i just nodded in response. He grabbed 4 cupcakes so I grabbed the last 2.

Fresh's POV

"I-im sorry! It just tastes soo good!" I got frosting on my face. Great. "Look, you made a mess! You have to clean that!" (Y/N) said as she got a tissue. 'Wait, what is she going to do with a tissue? Oh hold on-'. (Y/N) grabbed my chin and wiped the frosting off my nose. Oh God.. I blushed soo much. "W-well, y-y-y-you go back to w-w-work!" I stuttered as she went back to what she was doing. I froze. That (Y/N) girl is so cute. I hope PJ doesnt think the same thing. Ill just hope that no other guy likes her.


(Y/N)'s POV

The bell rang indicating reccess. "Wanna sit with us?" Fresh asked as we head to our lockers. 'Im eating with Undyne at LUNCH and its only reccess.. so yeah I could eat with them' I tought. "Yeah! Sure." I answered. As I headed to my locker, I ran up to it. I didnt know that mine and Fresh's locker is next to each other! "Oh! Our lockers are next to each other!" We both said at the same time, we bursted into laughter which caught attention of some students. After we were done with our lockers, we both headed to the cafeteria. Fresh sat down on the table, so I decided to sit down next to him. I saw three other monsters at the table:

A tall skeleton, a yellow dinosaur, and a ghost

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A tall skeleton, a yellow dinosaur, and a ghost. "U-u-uh.. F-fresh who i-is s-she?" The yellow dinosaur asked. "Oh! This is (Y/N)! Shes the new student!" Fresh introduced me. "Hi!" I said as I waved my hand. "I-im A-alphys" The yellow dinosaur known as Alphys said. "HELLO (Y/N)! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" The tall skeleton known as Papyrus sai- shouted. "Im Napstablook, but y-you c-can call m-me Blooky" the ghost known as Napstablook, or should I say Blooky said. "Its nice to meet you!" I said. Fresh then handed out the cupcakes we made in cooking class. They took a bite out of it. "W-woah! These are good!" Alphys exclaimed. "I AGREE! THESE ARE AMAZING!" Papyrus said. "Y-yeah, who made these?" Blooky asked. I scratched the back of my neck and said "Me". "Woaahh!" They all said in unison. I just blushed for the sudden compliment. I got out my cupcakes and started eating it. I saw PJ and I decided to give him my other cupcake. I stood up but Fresh stopped me. "Where are you going (Y/N)?" Fresh asked in concern. "PJ" I replied. They all gasped. "Isnt it too dangerous?" Alphys asked me. I shook my head. I got out of Fresh grip and I started walking away. I only heard "You'll get hurt (Y/N)!" From Fresh when I walked away. "Hey PJ." I said as I patted his shoulder. "Oh hey (Y/N)" PJ said as he turned around. "Well uh... I decided to give you something?" I said as I handed him the box of cupcakes. "Oh uh.. T-thank you.." PJ said as he took the box of cupcakes. He had a blush on his face which made me giggle. It made PJ's blush worse. I just turned around and started walking back but PJ stopped me with a hug, he whispered something in my ear. "Thank you (Y/N)" he said as he walked away. It was my turn to blush. I then sat back on the table. "What's so bad about PJ?" I asked them. I saw all of them squeling but then Fresh had a frown. I held Fresh's hand and I asked him "Are you okay Fresh?" . He jolted up, "Oh! Yeah! Im fine!" He replied with a very happy smile. Alphys asked me "Are you and PJ together?" Alphys asked as she squeled. "What?! No!!" I said instantly as I blushed red. The bell then rang meaning we had to go to our next class.

Sorry if the chapter is crappy, my head aint feeling well.... I hope you enjoy the chapter I guess..Thankies~
Dani out~

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