Chapter 16; I made a new friend

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(Y/n)'s POV

I finished the school day with my new friends. I seemed to notice that they... like each other. So.. I decided.. to make a ship name!


Lovely right? Like Rose + Frisk = Risk. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah whatever. I made my way home and went straight to my room. I changed into something comfy then went back downstairs on the couch. Before going home, we had to practice some few lines from the act so I had to go home kinda late, but it's fine by me. I sat on the couch and I ate my favorite chips. I was watching my favorite anime when someone decided to scare the crap outta me.

3rd Person's POV

Cross Chara and Damien were playing card games by themselves upstairs in Damien's room when they heard someone go in the house. "You heard that?" Damien asked, putting down his own deck of cards. "Totally." His cousin replied. "You think someone broke in?" The (h/c)nette asked his cousin. The other one nodded and they agreed to check it out. They slowly opened the door, making sure it doesn't make a 'CREEK' sound. Both males slowly went down the stairs, peeking through the railings, to see a (h/c) haired girl on the couch, watching anime. The two boys didn't recognize the lady. "So the robber went in, just to steal chips and watch anime here?" Damien asked him. "Yeah probably" The grey (grey or white? Eh..) haired male snickered. They went behind the girl, still not knowing who the hell the girl is, then scared the crap out of her.

(Y/n)'s POV

"HOLY SHIT-" I shouted as my chips flew everywhere. I slapped the person as hard as I can. "OW! WHAT THE FCK WAS THAT FOR?!~" a guy who seemed so familiar-Damien whined as he caressed his now red cheek. "Well, who wouldn't slap a person who scared the crap out of them! You could possibly be a kidnapper!" I shouted at him. He mumbled a small 'sorry' before sitting next to me. I didn't notice but looks like my much of an asshole cousin is laughing his ass of on the floor. "SHUT UP!" Damien shouted which made me giggle, soon turning out into a laugh, well soon enough, all of us were laughing. Someone seemed to disturb our fun by knocking or using the doorbell. "III'LLLL GETTT ITTTT~" I sang as I went to the door and opened it. There stand a girl with blonde hair, a pink dress, black boots. She had a flower headband that made her look cuter. Oh, also her brown slingbag. "Uh? Do you need any help?" I asked the girl. "Oh, well.. I was just wondering if you have seen my brother? He has blonde hair like me, he has a blue jacket with a white shirt under, grey pants and black rubber shoes. He's fifteen years old." The blonde asked me. "Well, I think I have seen him." I told the girl. Her darkish brown eyes lit up. "Really?! Where have you seen him?" She asked me. "I think he went to the park." I told her, giving a smile. "Oh, thank you! May I ask what is your name? Mines Alexya Tora! Though please call me Lexy!" "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)". She thanked me and went off. I went back to the couch and sat down. "Who that." Damien asked me. "Some random girl named Alexya. Shes looking for her bro." I answered him. He nodded in response.

Then, I remembered... the chips. "Oi Damien." He looked up. I extended my arm. "Chips?" I asked him, having a smirk on my face. He went silent for a moment. "There" He pointed to the floor, where the chips are. I narrowed my eyes. "Those are dirty. Five seconds rule." I told him. He just shrugged and slouched back on the couch. I just sighed and laid down. "You guys aren't gonna clean that up..?" CC asked us. We both shook our heads. I mumbled a quick 'later' under my breath. Soon enough, we all fell asleep on the couch.
(Yes, the couch is that big)

???'s POV

'Urgh. Why do I have to go ask someone else just to find my stupid brother. And WHY does he keep running away?!' I stomped my way to the park to see my brother sitting on a bench, feeding birds. I went to him but he didn't notice me. "Clyde." I told him, he didn't notice. I grew impatient. "CLYDE!" I shouted at him at the same time, grabbing his ear. "Oww! What the heck." He whined. "Why do you keep running away from me?!" I asked him- well more like shouted into his ear. He shrugged, "I don't know! Because you're so annoying?!". His answer made me furious. I swear, he could see the flames in my eyes. He gulped and tried to back away. "What?" I asked him, pulling him closer to my face. "I-I said- you're amazing! I swear! That's what I told you." I took a deep sigh before dropping him unto the ground with a loud thud.

Clyde's POV

The reason why I had to run away from my sister was because of Mother's orders. She asked me to investigate and research about the (L/n) family. I had to go to the park, so I could go to my secret hiding spot that hid my laptop, paper shit- yeah, just stuff like that. I went behind the tree, then revealed the lock that was behind it. '9 8 4'. I imput the password to the lock, I heard a 'click!' sound indicating that my password was correct. I went inside the tree and climbed down the ladder, locking the vault after. I looked around the metal made room. I went to my desk and sat down my comfy as hell chair, fishing out my laptop in the proccess.

I hacked into systems, accounts and other sorts of stuff. I finally found (L/n). I scrolled down, reading info of what this (L/n) has instored.

I have to do a cliff hanger :3. Lolol sowwy. But, I'm sorry for not updating. I had some troubles in school and such do yeah.



Dani out-

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