Chapter 12; New Student

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up with a lot of books and papers all over my desk. I also had a blanket over my shoulders. 'Did I fall asleep while studying again? Urgh, whatever'. I stood up and stretched myself as I put back my paper and books back in my bag. I decided to wear a (s/f/c) shirt underneath my (f/c) letterman matching my (f/c) sneakers. I decided to wear shorts/pants (Your choice :)). I went in my bathroom to take my shower and wore my outfit after. I exited my room and saw my parents and brother getting ready. I quickly ran down the stairs to greet them. "Morning!" I greeted them as I sat down an empty seat across Mom and Dad, with Damien beside me."Oh! Damien! What time did you went home yesterday?" I remembered. "Oh me? I think around 7:30? Yeah.."
"Yeah. I also saw you falling asleep while studying so I covered you with a blanket"
"But why didn't you wake me?"
"I didn't want to disturb your sleep."
"But... urgh."
"I win." Damien replied with a smirk on his face.

I stood up and grabbed a bowl from the cupboards, milk from the fridge and the cereal from the pantry. I sat back down and I just remembered something. I groaned and stood back up to get my spoon. I was finally complete so I sat down and peacefully ate my cereal. "Kids." Dad broke the silence. "Yeah?" Damien said while eating his cereal. "Were gonna have a business trip to Japan. Were gonna stau there for about a year." Mom continued. I froze. "R-really?" I asked them. "Sadly, yes" My Dad said as he lowered his head. "O-Ok" I said with a tint of sadness in my voice. "I promise you we'll be back as soon as were allowed. Okay?" Dad said as we both nodded. "When's the flight?" Damien asked also with sadness. "Tomorrow" Both my parents said at the same time. This made me more sad. I stood up and went to put my bowl in the sink. "Where are you going?" Damien asked me. "To school" I replied calmly.
"But theres no bus ye-" "Im walking" I cutted him. Before he could speak, I grabbed my bag and went outside. I put on my headphones/earphones and started walking to school. It was quite a long walk but I was glad I went early or else I'd be late. As I reached school, I noticed that it was early so I sat down at a shade under a tree. I checked the time and it was just 6:36 and I know that classes start at 7:20 so I took a little nap with my hood up. I was a having a nice, peaceful nap but the bell ring woke me up. I stood up, brushed my hair using my hands because whose hair isnt messy when they wake up? Oh right, those rich people. I stood up and grabbed my bag before leaving, I made my way to art class because thats my first class. Duh. I entered the class to notice almost all of them are there already. I took my seat at the back and relaxed. A few minutes later, Mr. Ink came in with another student. Blue, purple, pink hair, a black long sleeve shirt with a number '78' on her shirt, also has two white stripes on the sleeves, ripped jeans, black boots and a pair of glasses on her shirt. 'Now that's what I call style'. "Good morning class, today we have another new student." Mr. Ink announced. The girl stood infront. "Oh, uh.. Hi? Im Rose, nice to meet you..? Uhmm" Rose said as she felt awkward. "Thank you Rose, please take your seat." Mr. Ink said with a smile. Rose scurried off and sat next to me. I decided to speak up, "Hi, Im (Y/n). Rose am I correct?" I said looking at her. "Yeah, Im Rose and nice to meet you (Y/n)" Rose said as her nervousness flew away. Mr. Ink asked us to draw pur favorite animals and be creative about it. I chose (f/a) cause why not? Itz just soo cute and cool! We drew while talking and soon,  art class was finished so we had to take next class. I asked Rose her schedule. "Uh.. PE." Rose replied. "Really? We have the same!" I said with joy. "Well, I'm sure I'll win if I race you." Rose said with a sassy smirk. I was really confused and stood there dumb-founded. "On your mark, GO!" Rose said as she ran off and left me confused. It took me atleast 5 seconds to analyze what was going on and after that, I followed after her. We were near the gym doors, I was near on catching up to her but failed. I landed on the floor because of the running and Rose stood before me and flipped her hair. "Dahek man." I said as I stood up and fixed myself. Coach Error then entered the gym and told us to change. Me and Rose both went to the ladies changing room. Of course. I also wore my letterman cause why not? After changing, we both went outside. "SO CLASS! WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT!" Coach Error announced as I encouraged Rose to go infront to introduce herself. Rose went infront and introduce herself. "Uh- Hi! Er- Im Rose and uh- nice to meet you?" Rose said as she scurried off to the bleachers, next to me. I let out a small chuckle at her. Coach Error told us to run laps. He said its your choice on how many laps you take, as long as its not going down 5 laps. We did our laps and eventually, I tripped on my unlaced shoelaces which is kinda stupid. We changed to our previous clothes and went out to our next class. "Whats your next?" I asked Rose as we both walked through the hallways of the school. "I have... Cooking" Rose replied. "Woah, really? We have the same!" I said. "Again?! This is amazing!" Rose said as we walked to the cooking class. Mr. Cloud told us that another new student was here so Rose introduced herself, like before. Mr. Cloud told us to bake any dessert. We baked cupcakes for the class. Then, reccess comes. We ate our food, the usual.  Then the next class comes which is Gymnastics. We both found out that all of our classes our the same. We did some stretching and some jumping, Rose also introduced herself. Then History with Mr. Nightmare. Its the same, Rose introduced herself and Mr. Nightmare discussed some usual history. Astrology with Mr. Dream, Rose did the- YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. But surprisingly, when Mr. Dream announced the scores of the quiz, it was over 50 items and I got 37... not bad. I was happy. Because at our old school, I would get... around 5 or 6... but LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT! Of course Damien had perfect... but eh.. after that, we ate our lunch. We headed to Music class and the usual, Rose did the thing. We both sang infront because that's what Ms. Shyren told us to do. Well now that music is done, we headed to our last class which was Drama. We both sat down as Mr. Mettaton told us to act a certain scene from a movie. I chose a scene from my favorite movie, (f/m). "Now, that all of you are done performing, I'll dismiss you early. But before I do that, I'll just announce that there will be no practice for the play." Mr. Mettaton said before letting us out. "Hey (Y/n), it was nice meeting you! I hope I could see you again tomorrow! I have to go now, Bye!" Rose said as she left the Drama room. I giggled to myself. 'She sure is in a hurry'.

???'s POV (Mwehhehehe)

I heard a small giggle as I was packing my things before leaving the Drama Room. That giggle seems so familiar yet I cant get it clear. I looked at the person and I remembered her (h/c) locks. 'That.. that... that's (Y/n)!!'. It was her! I touched her shoulder when she was about to leave the drama room. She turned around to face me.

"Um, do you need anyth- CUZ CUZ?!"



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