Chapter 14; Chilling with Palette

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Your lucky it still works"
My phone is cracked but it still works. That's what matters right? I sighed. Oh well. "I-I'm sor-" Palette said but I cutted him off. "I-It's fine. Im sure." I said while giving him a reassuring smile which caused him to blush slightly.

"Well, were not here for this am I right?" I said, breaking the silence. Forgetting what happened, I just smiled. "So, let's go at my favorite clothing shop! (F/s)!" I said while grabbing Palette's hand and leading him to the direction on where (F/s) would be.

When we arrived, I instantly went looking at the clothing displayed. I grabbed an ombre of (f/c) and (s/f/c) shirt, it looked really colorful and creative. I also grabbed some shorts to match it with the shirt, I went into the changing rooms and changed into it. I looked at the mirror. 'I actually look quite good if I do say so myself'. I wiggled my eyebrows. I giggled to myself as I went out the changing room. When I got out, Palette was staring off onto the distance. "Hey Palette!" I snapped him out of his thoughts, "Uh, oh (Y/n)!" Palette said. "How does this look?" I said while turning around in circles so he could see much better. He was staring at me. Then...

"You like what you see?~" I cooed while striking a seductive post. It made Palette blush more if that was possible. He was red as a tomato- wait no- more red actually. "U-u-u-uhhh! Oh! Eh- You look um- great! Well uh- I'll just go to the restroom! Eheh-heh!" Palette struggled to say his words. As he left, I burst out laughing. I went back to find more clothes to wear. I tried all of them, some were good, some were not. I chose the ones that satisfied me and bought them. I went outside the store to see Palette on his phone. He probably didn't want to see me after the incident. I approched him and said sorry but he said he didn't mind. We went off to go to the next place. Palette said that we would go somewhere secret. He told me close my eyes and I did. He also added a blindfold. He said that the place is quite a far so we took the car. It was a fast ride, I got out of the car and started walking. As we were walking, I could feel the cold breeze of the air. I could feel leaves crumpling under my shoes as I walk. I feel the moon shining bright up in the sky. (If that's possible XD). I could hear Palette take a deep breath before saying "You can remove it now". I slowly removed my blindfold. I gasped at the sight before me. There goes the dark night sky, illuminated with the shining moon and the flying bright fireflies. A tree where a chair and table sat. I began walking around the place, still astouned by the place. "Palette.. i-it's..." I cant speak for myself, it's too amazing. Palette sighed. "Im sorry, this isn't good enough." He said with a sad tone. I giggled which caused him to look at me confused. "It's wonderful!" I exclaimed as I ran all around the place.

We chilled on the grass, talking about non-sense, laughing at stupid jokes. A firefly landed on my nose which made me sneeze. Palette laughed as we just had fun. We were doing this until it was time we had to go home.

I got in my car and started the engine. Unfortunatley, Palette doesn't know how to drive so I had to drive him home. He gave me his adress and as I drive, we were still talking about jokes, sarcasm, criticising some stuff. At one part, I laughed so hard that my hands on the steering wheel got off and we nearly ran over a kitten crossing the road. We finally got to Palette's place. "(Y/n), I had fun today. Hope we could do this again!" He said before getting off the car. Before I drove off, he knocked on my window. It slid down. "Yes?" I asked him. "Thanks for the ride." He said with a smile. I nod at him and I set off. I drove home with a smile plastered on my face. After a few minutes of driving, I got off my car and went inside my house. I locked the door and went inside my room. I changed into my onesies and flopped on my bed and studied for a bit. After studying, darkness took over me and I slept. Damn it was a tiring day.


Hope you enjoy it.
Dani out~

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