Diary entry 16 - 19

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Saturday 28/02/2017

I was feeling bored at home so I took out my art set which was a birthday present from my parents and thought I'd try and make a painting. It was kind of hard at first but I just started choosing colours and I ended painting a picture of a girl on the beach with a storm approaching. I painted her back and her shadow but I think she unintentionally resembled me. Her shoulder length hair was caught around her face by the wind and the beach went from a blue to a grey atmosphere where the storm was approaching. I'm impressed by how much detail I actually put it, like it isn't amazing but it just came so naturally and I felt at peace. I feel proud of myself and I think that I will study art at college and maybe go into an artistic job. I know I'm way to young to be thinking about all this but my citizenship teacher Mr. Ross said its time to think about what we want to do with our lives. That just reminded me, Cindy the hoe just said she'll become one of those chicks in the rapper's music videos who "show off their body and be sexy and make easy money without needing any talents" is what she said exactly. She probably wished Mr Cummings was our teacher for that class so she could put those seedy thoughts into his mind and get some thrill out of it, the hoe. Talking about Sir, I'll show him my painting on Tuesday and see what he says, he'd probably like it.

Tuesday 31/01/2017

I got my science test result back today but I expected it to be bad so I'm not surprised, it did dampen my mood a little though so I was a little withdrawn during lunch and the others weren't happy about it. Ruby said I was like this negative ghostly presence that was subtly trying to steal her lunch from her by gaining sympathy since she bought my favourite M&S coronation chicken sandwich to school today so that cheered me up a little. Her dad works at M&S so she always gets to eat their nice pricey food at home for free. Art class cheered me up though since sir gave us back our grades on a recent piece of work we did and I got an A. He said I should pour more of my emotions into my work to get more feeling out of it and that I have natural talent I should build on. When he said I blushed a little and was thankful I wore mascara today because sir was so close to me and it made my eyes pop out more so I think he noticed. I showed him my painting from the weekend and he expressed how much he liked it. He told me to enter the annual art competition held by the borough for the local schools, I never thought of entering any competitions. I thought they were all useless but if Sir suggested it then I probably do have a chance. I've been thinking about it since I got back from school and told mum too, she remembered Sir from the supermarket and said that he's a good teacher making me more confident with my work.

Wednesday 01/02/2017

Today was just a drag, it was freezing outside and Ms. Peterson tried to make us do PE outside claiming that moving around would get us all warmed up but we were all stuck in one place freezing our tits off together huddled like penguins until she decided that we should use the gym inside. Like she's so stupid, we could've done that right from the start but I'm not going to complain because it cut class time by half an hour so it flew by even though we had to deal with nearly being turned into snowwomen. I was sneezing constantly in art class after lunch and bless Sir, he kept blessing me and rubbed my arm slightly to warm me up in a jokingly manner which made my heart flutter and I shivered but this time it wasn't from the cold so I was slightly confused at the feeling. I saw Cindy budge Sue with her elbow to look over and I saw them both looking at us. Sue was looking excited with her eyebrows raised nearly escaping her forehead but Cindy was giving me the deadliest of glares. Sir turned around and walked off to check on the others so he missed it but I just ducked my head and continued to do my work until class finished. Sue and I walked home together, she asked me what happened earlier giving me exaggerated winks and I told her that I think I like Sir. I didn't even think of the possibility until the moment and its plagued me since then, I actually think I have a crush on my teacher. Me, Lenna, who was laughing the girls who first fangirled over him but I think this is genuine and that Sir likes me too. He's given me all the signs and has been so kind to me, even with Cindy throwing herself at him he didn't react at all to her. OMG I don't know what to do, do I talk to mum about it or just keep it between me and Sue? And of course, you too diary as you know all my secrets xx

Thursday 02/02/2017

I went through school in a blur today, I couldn't concentrate and missed most of what was covered in the lessons so I have Sue's and Ruby's notes to copy from for maths and science so I can try understand. I have to go now so sorry for the small entry :(

It all started in art class (teacher/student short story - journal entries)Where stories live. Discover now