34 - Everything's going to be okay

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-Sans POV-
I was still on the floor, bleeding while clenching my fist as I watch Frisk flings into the wall hard. I couldn't help but to stand up and try to protect her... But despite having only 0.001/1 hp left, I couldn't even stand in my own legs. Just as the guy grabs Frisk by the collar and drags her in front of me.
"Agh...S....Sans?..." She said while tears started falling from her eyes. I couldn't help but feel anger inside of me.
"Any last words to your girlfriend Sans?" The guy said as he kept holding her by the back of her collar. I stared at him with my left eye flickered blue at him.
"Nothing....? Alright then, say goodbye then to-" He was cut off when a bone strikes right at his shoulder making him stuck at the wall. The guy throws Frisk upward but luckily I caught her just before she hits the floor.
"Heh, stupid monster. I'll be back for you two. And once I do, you're going to spend all of your time sobbing at your dead bodies. Hahahahhahahaha...." as he removes the bone from his shoulder and teleported away.

I sigh in relief as I looked down to Frisk. She was still crying though.
"Shh... it's okay Frisk. His gone now. You can rest for now, okay?" She stared at me while giving me a weak smile as she rests her head in my chest. I started walking towards dad who is unconsciously laying back at the wall. I put Frisk down and grab dad's hand and put him at my back. I kneeled down and carried Frisk as I teleported back to the surface.

I bashed open the front door of me and Papyrus' house as I saw Paps, Undyne and Alphys.
"Now is not the time to talk Papyrus! Alphys, I need your help. Right now!" Then I realized that I shouted to my brother. Don't worry, I'll apologize to him later. For now, I need to take Frisk and Dad to the hospital. Alphys quickly nodded as we all teleported to the hospital.

-time skip-
(At the hospital)
I was walking left and right as I was sweating... a lot. I'm worry about Frisk and Dad. I can't take my mind off from worrying about them.
"Sans! Can you stop walking left and right! You're making my head crazy!" Undyne shouted.
"U-Undyne's ri-right Sans. Yo-you can't th-think how th-their go-going to re-cover when yo-you can't sto-p worrying a-about them..." Alphys said gesturing me to sit down beside them, which I did.
"Tru-Trust me S-sans. Th-there goi-going to b-be o-okay." She said, patting my back.

After a few minutes of waiting, the doctor came out from the room where Dad and Frisk were.
"Doc, how are they?" I said as my non existing heart pumps fast, REAL fast.
"Well the good news is that their fine, nothing really bad happened to them except..." he pauses. I frowned.
"We don't exactly know when they will wake up. Both of them are still having a hard time from the incident. Excuse me?" The doctor leaves while I sat back to my seat with my hands on my face.
"Calm down Sans. Try to go inside and check on them, okay? C'mon Al, let's just give him some space for a while." Said Undyne as Alphys nodded and went with her. I sighed as I enter the room.

I entered the room where I saw two beds with Frisk and Dad laying. I stared for them for a while before I went to Dad.
"Dad.... I...I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't save you. I... can't even believe that you're still alive... after all those years... I know those days were you... weren't there with me and Paps. But... if you ask me.... I forgive you... for a long long time dad..." I stared for dad for a minute before looking towards Frisk. I sat at the chair next to her bed while I keep staring at her. I grab her hand as I placed it on my cheek...bone.
"Frisk... if you can hear me.... I hope you wake up soon... I..." I paused for I while tears started falling from my eye socket.
"I....couldn't resist living myself on my own... I couldn't live my life without you.... please... just...please...wake up..." I cried over her bed because...yeah, I can't hold it much longer.

-Frisk POV-
My eyes opened haft but my vision is still blurry until I saw a figure coming towards me. They grab my hand and put it in their cheek...bone? My vision focuses and saw Sans crying over. I slightly move my thumb and wipe away his tears.
"Hey... its okay Sans.... I'm fine..." Sans looked at me with teary eye sockets. He pulled me into a hug as he continued to cry over my shoulder.
"Frisk! You scared me down to the bone! Don't scare me like that again!"
I rubbed his back as I he pulled away from the hug. He gently move my face making me look at him.
"I won't. I promise."  I smiled at him just as the doctor enters the room. Sans stood up from the chair and look at the doctor.
"Sorry to ruined your moment Mr. Sans and Ms. Frisk but I need to run a few tests on you and after that you can leave the hospital."
I simply nodded as Sans puts his hand on mine and gently rubbing it. I looked at him.
"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I said as Sans carries me and put me in the wheelchair. The nurse started pushing the wheelchair outside the room.

Don't worry Sans. Everything's going to be okay.

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