The general hissed as all the other Hemelian soldiers shook their heads. Jungkook wasn't offended by Taehyung's snarky remark at all. He was right. "You dare offend our kingdom, you bastard Helian? I oughta—"

The clash of metal and blade came once again and Jungkook had to process what had happened due to how quickly it all went. When the angel finally figured out what exactly had happened within the thick mist, his eyes widened. You were standing in front of Taehyung, knees bent as you pushed your shield forward and against the general's sword. Your katana was also drawn out, its blade nearly piercing the skin of the general's blade.

"Sky...," Emily breathed, obviously stunned at the sight. Taehyung's eyes were widened as he stared at your figure. Even Jungkook's jaw was dropped because of the fierce expression on your face.

"I... am the guardian of the seven wonders. If you want to hurt Taehyung or anyone else on this ship," You spoke slowly through gritted teeth, your eyes sharp and glowing even in the mist. Jungkook squinted his eyes and wondered if he was really seeing a faint color of purple from your pupils. "Then you'll have to go through me and my dead body first."

A silence fell on the ship as you continued to clash your shield against the general's sword. Jungkook looked around and saw the Hemelian soldiers seemingly preparing for battle, panic striking him instantly. The angel could tell that chaos was coming and he didn't need Hoseok's intuition to prove it.

"What's going on?," Jungkook heard Jimin ask as the Single Men Club shuffled blindly towards the scene, the thick mist partly blocking their vision. Not being able to answer the thunder gem bearer, the angel stared ahead and felt the tension in the air thickening with each passing second.

"Is that a dare, little lady?," The general finally spoke as you still kept the sharp glare in your eyes. "Foolish girl. We accept your challenge."

Jungkook started panicking even more when the Hemelians soldiers angled their spears, wings bent in an offensive angle. This made the rest of the team prepare themselves for battle as well. Yoongi had flames over his palms as Holly screeched on his shoulders. Namjoon had both of his gloved hands balled next to his head whilst Jimin's body crackled with electricity. Emily had an arrow ready and water started circling around Jin's feet. Hoseok looked hesitantly but he tapped his goggles as he slowly lifted himself up in the air.

The only one who didn't look ready to fight was Taehyung, who was staring right at Jungkook, seemingly screaming at the angel to do something with his dark eyes.

You pushed the general away with your shield and stood up straight, pointing the katana's blade to his face. "I guess we'll be doing this the hard way then."

Jungkook's jaw trembled at the sight. He was tired of this. He was tired of all the fighting, of all the clashing opinions. He was tired of how his kingdom thought so highly of itself, at how Hemel was proud of being neutral when it came to Hel's invasion. The angel balled his fists as his whole body glowed like his gem, eyes shining.

"Would you guys just stop?!"

Due to Jungkook's booming voice, everyone paused and faced him. Their eyes widened at how the angel was taking deep breaths, an expression of absolute fury crossing his features. He could feel everyone's eyes boring into him as he stepped forward, the light being emitted from his body forcing the mist around him to clear.

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