My Existence

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That night was the last night I saw any one of my children. I do not know how long passed but from time to time word would reach my body of a young man whom defeated God knows who and was now King of Britain. However, that young man does not need to be told about until much later. Along the way, I was able to hear word of my children. The dream that I had about a battle at my castle took place some two years after my disappearance. Thankfully to the potion I took, Igraine was not harmed. She was cut up rather seriously on her arm from a fallen beam in the castle the night of the attack but Ectore was able to successfully save her and his love before getting them both to safety.

Some time later, word reached me that just after the incident, Igraine married Braiden's second in command. It brought my non existent heart joy to know that my daughter was both alive and well and also very happy. Just shortly after Igrain's marriage, Ectore soon followed suite in marital bliss and married the young lady whom held his heart nearly as long as he has been living.

Time passed and I felt dead inside. I already knew that I was dead inside; I took the potion so I truly was. I no longer felt the need to look through my own eyes, and instead kept myself occupied with trying to stay sane in a body which does nothing but give me silence. I heard nothing, I felt nothing. That was the extent of my existence.

I did not sleep because I no longer needed to. I simply stared at the darkness around me. I did not eat because I did not ever feel hungry nor was I in the position to eat anything. I did not bath because I found that no matter how long time passes me, I never seemed to need to bath. I did not relieve myself either because I did not have the means to do so and because I never felt the need to.

Of course this could all be because the essence of who I am, was turned within my mind, where I now rome. Rome. That is one way to say it. After some time here, I began walking around the abyss, just to see what I would find. I found more darkness and abyss. No matter how long I walked, I never seemed to get anywhere. Of course it was so dark that I was never able to actually see where I was going let alone if I would go anywhere. Through all the times I would do this, I would turn around and walk a few steps back and there were my eyes.

There were times, where I believed I would go insane. Truly, I felt as a mad women does. No one will ever understand how that feels like. Nor will I ever wish for you to. It is both terrifying and numbing.

At times, to keep my mind from going numb, I would remember the wonderful times I had with my children when they were younger. I would remember Igrain's tinkling laugh as a baby; I would be able to perfectly picture in my mind Ectore's bright smiling face; I'd be able to recall Braiden's first steps towards me. I would cry until I had nothing left to give to the abyss.

On one particular memory of all three of my children at the dinner table enteracting with one another in the Great Hall when I was rudely interrupted. At first, I felt nothing; simply noises. Strange noises. Noises that I hadn't heard before. Then came the shaking. Shaking all around me in the abyss.

I quickly stood up, although why I even bothered I will not ever know for I simply fell back down and was no longer able to rise again. I felt the tell tale signs of shock and panic settling into my system at once.

'What is happening?!' I screamed as everything shook

Silence. But everything was shaking. How that is possible? I do not know. But it was occurring and that was exactly what made me panic.

The shaking suddenly stopped. I was able to now see where my eyes were located so I ran towards them and looked all around my surroundings through my eyes. I was no longer any where that I recognized. I was in a dark cold place.

The surrounding walls were beyond grimy and filthy. They were beyond repair in my opinion. It was dark with the exception of one lone lantern at the very top the ceiling which was leaking a steady rhythm onto a nice little puddle on the ground near the entrance. The stones were grey but with the moon light bathing them they looked the color of the ocean in the pitch of midnight. The ground was littered with grim from years of blood, sweat and fluids so dark and dried into the ground I did not wish to know what it was.

Looking all around myself to see if I was able to have an idea where I was, I saw that I was in, what appeared to be, a dungeon of some sort.

'Why are were in a dungeon?' I asked


Sighing I began contemplating how it is that we ended up here to begin with.

'Perhaps we were captured? No no, that does not make sense because my body disappears and reappears when it is about to be attacked. Perhaps, we reappeared here?' I was becoming quite puzzled

Why would my body reappear here? Has it been here before? Does anyone know we are here, occupying a dungeon? Who is the owner of said dungeon? Are we allowed here? Where are we exactly? Why must it be so cold?

Just as my puzzlement was rapidly turning into panic once again, I felt all the tension leave both my body and me. I felt calm and at ease. I had never in my life felt so calm and peaceful that I actually closed my eyes, breathed in deeply, and smiled a genuine smile since before I lost Cain.

That was when the voice spoke.

I felt both my body and myself freeze in place. I did not breath.

"So this is the Witch that the entire Kingdom has more fear for than their King?"

"You know that no one in their right minds have cause to fear our King. He is a good and just man of this land." Another said

A light chuckle was able to be heard but neither bodies, to which the voices belonged to, were able to be seen.

"You are right my friend. Our King is both just and noble. How silly of me to say such a thing." The first voice said

"It is alright my friend. It sounded good when you said it that way." The second voice said and they both laughed at his statement.

' I?' I questioned in my mind

"She is a sight for your eyes to be held is she not?" The second voice whispered softly but this dungeon was able to carry noise from any length of space so I was able to hear his comment.

'Oh my....WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE NOW?' I franticly asked out loud in a high pitched whisper

The men continued to converse with one another for sometime while I tried to contemplate how hideous I now looked. After some time passed, I realized that I neither cared about what they thought I looked like because I no longer had any purpose to care. My husband died long ago, my children believe me to be dead, and I, in turn, am also dead within. Why does it matter to me or to anyone if I resemble what I look on the inside?

After finding myself happy with my realization, I found that the men had long since left; leaving me with a darker emptier room than I had originally began with.

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