Her First Killings (E)

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I walk through the lawns with Braiden and it strikes me that I am turning twenty-three tomorrow. My life is filled with pain that I know will never go away but pain that I must live with until I see no more days. I turn towards the woods as Braiden runs ahead of me and I see Nickolas in between the trees looking upon me. I smile sadly at him, knowing that it is just a figment of my imagination. The Old Blind Witch warned me about this. She told me about "images" as she called them of Nickolas because my grief will be played out in the real world. 

He smiles at me and blows me a kiss as he turns to look to where Braiden is on the ground looking under rocks. Tears fill my eyes as it strikes me once again that my son will never know his father. 

When I turn back to see if Nickolas is still there I see his body slowly turn to mist, as he always does when I see him. I look away and walk towards Braiden.

"What have you found this time son?" I ask as I tussle his beautiful curly hair so much like his father.

"Nothing that I haven't seen before mama." He looks up and smiles at me before he jumps up and yells "Race you mama!"

He picked up his father's habit of wishing to race me to the apple tree. I never have it in me to race him so I simply walk after him. I see that he's cheering himself a fit as he leaps up and down from his victory.

"Mama, you always let me win!" He laughs at me 

I smile at him as I tell him that it's time for his lesson and we must hurry or the tutor will surely make us both write our letters a thousand times." He giggles as he grabs my hand and guides me towards the castle.

"My dear, I must speak with you." A whisper gets to my ears

"Braiden, run along for your lesson. I'll be there in a moment." I smile and kiss the top of his hair 

"Yes, Witch?" I address her turning towards her

"My dear he's very beautiful...but I fear that I have horrible news to give you." She is ringing her hands and not looking at me but at the running form of my son.

I smile at her nervousness and laugh easily, trying to make her not so nervous.

"Witch what bad news can you possibly give me now? My husband is dead. It's been six years and I've not even meet any new men let alone my next love." I laugh off her "horrible" news.

"This is no laughing matter Anora!" She yells at me 

I stop smiling and stare at her, "What is this news you've come to deliver me?" 

She bites her withering lip and says, "Braiden is going to die."

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