The New Potion

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Over the course of about five or so hours I finally had an actual plot that I liked to keep Igraine safe from harm. Essence told me of a special potion that is used to prevent deaths, much like what I had drank for years to ensure Braiden's safety. When I mentioned that this might just be the same potion Witch gave to me which made it, it simply said "This is a different potion."

Although I did not trust it, I had to believe that this potion would ensure that Igraine stayed alive. So after various tries of making the potion, it finally came out exactly as Essence had described it to be; mold green, thick, and muddy tasting. What actually went into the potion was anything but mold and mud but it did produce this effect.

I drank it. Almost immidiately, I fell to the ground.

My stomach felt as if it was killing itself within me. My head was being split in two and my limbs were on fire.

Essence appeared before me just then.

"W-w-w-what......i-i-is this?" I croacked

It simply staired at me.

"Answer me!" I screamed out in agony

"The potion is killing you." It said

I could feel that I was pulling my own hair out of my scoulp and I felt my legs kicking and twitching.

I screamed and screamed and all Essence ever did was stand before me.

I felt all of the cells in my body slowly die and every one of my organs shut down. Before I lost conciousness I heard a faint voice say "You will awake in a moment," before my lids shut.

I felt a very hard thump upon my chest. It thumped and thumped to hard it became painful. I opened my eyes quickly and sat up. I looked all around myself. It was dark out, the moon was out and the room was in complete darkness.

Standing, I fumbled towards the nearest seat all the while breathing heavily and grabbing a hold of the spot where my heart should be. I sat down and began chanting in Latin. I did not recognize the spell that I casting but the vowles were simply slipping out of my mouth. I did not know what the spell was for either. When my mouth stopped speaking, I looked all around myself to see what the spell was for but I saw no changes to the room, nor to my clothing.

I wonder what it was for then.

Grabbing onto my chest I took a deep breath and winced.

I took another and felt shock. heart........

"You no longer have a heart beat." I heard someone say

Turning, I saw that the Witch was standing by my spell book.

I felt shock settle once again.

I had banished her!

She smiled at me then, a sad withered smile and approached me.

"My dear, you may have banished me to nothing but when you were in trouble you summoned me back, just as I knew you one day would."

"I did not wish for this to become of you..." She whispered to me and turned away towards the fireplace and started a fire

"What do you mean Witch?"

She did not answer me at first but instead she went over to my table and grabbed something off the table and held it out to me. It was a looking glass.

Grabbing it, I gasped and dropped the glass onto the cold hard ground.

I grabbed onto my face but felt nothing a miss.


Turning to face the Witch I was about to chant a spell to banish her once again but she said, "It was not a trick my dear."

I simply looked at her.

"I am so sorry." She said to me and disappeared.

I simply stood their for some time wondering what will my children think when they look upon the monster that their mother had become.

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