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Keith grimaced slightly as he walked down the pink and red decorated halls of his school that were filled with girls and boys being mushy and lovey dovey to their significant other, exchanging gifts and romantic actions with hearts literally exploding out of their eyes.

Keith, never really having a reason to celebrate Valentine's shouldered himself away from all the couple's as he finally reached his locker.

Only to see a guy and girl making out feverishly right on top of his locker. Groaning internally, Keith coughed loudly to try and get their attention but got nothing. He tried tapping on their shoulder and asking nicely if they could fuck off- I mean move but to no avail.
Annoyed with the intense PDA on his locker Keith reached around and under the girls shoulder to his lock and inputted his combination before he forced his locker up, shoving the couple over to the side.

He huffed as he felt the metal digging into his shoulder as he held the door open while he tried to put his books away.
Suddenly he heard the couple gasp and sneer some rude comments at someone before the weight on his locker was gone.

Rubbing his shoulder Keith opened his locker more before he turned to see who had saved him only for his red zip up hoodie get pulled off of him by his two closest friends.

"Hey, woah! Pidge, Hunk what are you doing?" Keith asked in bewilderment as Hunk started to ruffle the raven mullet style Keith had as Pidge tossed his red zip up hoodie away in their bag before pulling out red and blue material.
For a second Keith panicked as he thought Pidge had gotten a hold of his suit before his mind registered what the material was.

It was the Spider-Man hoodie that Lance had given to him for Christmas. Pidge flipped the hood over to the front before wrapping it around Keith's waist and tied it securely on his hips.

Pushing their round glasses up Pidge looked up at Keith and gave him their famous cat curl smile as they crossed their arms.
"Nice job with the hair Hunk, do you have the flower?" They asked as the small one dug in their bag before producing a small hand size plush.

Not as it Seems [Voltron Klance - Spider-Man AU]Where stories live. Discover now