Chapter 8

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Fuck that picture is really cute iT HURTS

If you need to talk to someone I'm here.

Anyway hai there.


It had been about a week after Shiro's funeral and since then, the depressed little emo boy has fully moved in with the Holts. He shares a room with Pidge and he loved it there.

But there was no Shiro.

Ever since he fully moved out, having to go through Shiro's stuff just broke him inside. He didn't throw any of it out. He didn't want to forget about him. His grades in school have dropped slightly and Keith has distanced himself from people, though he still talks to Pidge and Hunk.
He mostly spends his time now at the skatepark, blasting Stacy's Mom while trying to land new tricks. (Listening to Stacy's Mom now xD)

People keep trying to comfort him but it makes it worse.
They don't know what it's like to loose a family member
To loose a brother
To loose a best friend.
They say that they understand how he feels but what they don't understand how his depression has spiked since Shiro left. How Keith cried himself to sleep one night. How Keith almost broke his promise to Shiro to not harm himself.

Keith now sat in Astronomy class, doodling random things in his notebook has he paid no attention to the lesson in front of him. He felt his phone buzzing but ignored it, not wanting to talk to people at the moment.

When the once noise filled classroom got suddenly silent it made the black haired boy look up. His indigo eyes looked around and saw all the classrooms eyes on him.
He sat up awkwardly and cleared his throat. He didn't exactly hear what the teacher said and now he had only two options. Say something random and risk getting laughed at or stay silent.

His question was answered as the teacher started talking again.

"Now that you are paying attention I was just explaining to the class our new group project and listing off partners. Keith, you will be partnered with Lance. Hopefully he can get your grades raised up..." The teacher said before continuing to name off partners.

Keith's heart almost stopped. Only he would get the luck to be partnered with his crush. Even from recent events Keith still turned into a stuttering mess around him. Gathering his stuff Keith moved to sit next to Lance, covering his doodles as he turned to face the Cuban boy

The teacher handed out their project information before letting everyone discuss the projects.
Keith gave Lance a half smile before he looked down at the project assignment they got.

"So our project is locating the zodiac constellations and telling the background on them. That's hard to do cause of the light pollution in Altea-"

"I know a spot." Keith whispered, interrupting Lance as he started to write down some things on the paper.

He felt eyes on him as he wrote down the zodiac signs and the basic information he knew about.
Finishing his writing he laid the paper over to Lance and shrugged.

Not as it Seems [Voltron Klance - Spider-Man AU]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu