Chapter 11

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But hi. I'm writing this the day after I published the last chapter so yeah.

Btw the contest might not happen since I didn't see that many people interest but I will try to make a cover myself if required. I just feel like this book needs updating since my writing is better and my edit skills have slightly improved.




The streets of the city below were crowded, the morning rush of people heading to work or school filled the sidewalks and streets.

On top of a tall building stood a crouched figure scanning it all.
Raven hair fell in front of indigo eyes as the male took a deep breath, raising his spandex covered hand, pressing a device that was in his ear closer to hear.

"Are you sure everything is ready and working?"

"Yes, I tested everything before giving it to you. Everything should hold up and your shooters shouldn't explode."

"How can you be sure?" Keith asked with a chuckle as he smirked playfully, looking down at the stylish web shooters Pidge made out of old watches.

"Keith Kogane are you doubting my excellent tech work?" Pidge's voice ran through the communicator causing Keith to laugh more.

"Of course not!" Keith said as he pulled his mask on concealing his hair and face as he stood up straight.

"Its just my life now rests in your hands." The superhuman slime before he took a running start and jumped off the side of the building, smiling as he free fell through the air.

Extending his arm out, the new shooters reacted instantly, launching a string of web towards the target aimed at and stuck to it.
Keith gripped the string and swung his legs up then down, using the momentum to carry him forward before repeating the actions from building to building.

"Never underestimate a genius Kogane."

Keith rolled his eyes as he continued to swing, smiling as adrenaline pulled through his body. He shot a web at a reflective building and pulled himself towards it. When he got close enough and let go and flew through the air and stuck to the side, looking forward at his reflection.

Staring back at him was a man in a red, blue and black spider suit. Keith tilted his head slightly as he stared closely at the reflection. This suit was amazing. It was easy to move in but Keith felt that it could offer some protection just not much but it was perfect for him.
His enhanced abilities would make it easier to dodge attacks but with the suit his clothes didn't get caught on anything and he could easily hide the suit in his bag.

"Hunk you did an amazing job on the suit, I never knew you could sew." Keith said as he started to scale the building, a new found confidence in him while also pride and love for his friends.

"Does it fit alright? The material almost killed my mother's sewing machine. The mask was impossible to make but I hope it looks ok. You asked for a spider theme so I tried some ideas before I got that one so I hope it's alright."

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