Chapter 10 - A Taste of His Own Medicine

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A/N: So I'm posting two chapters today, this one is just a continuation of the next one. It was going to be one chapter but I'm not sure if people are into long chapters. The next one will get pretty hot and heavy. And I know I put Thanatos' character down as Adam Lambert but I just meant he has Adam's style, with maybe some Lady Gaga thrown in. Thanatos is of Asian descent as I've described. 

            Enyo was angry. His brother hadn’t been in school for five days now. He could sense that he was safe, drunk maybe, but otherwise fine. He didn’t even come back to their dorm room after their little tryst in the alley. Eris was probably embarrassed and he wanted some time alone, Enyo thought.

            Enyo would let his brother take all the time he needed but he was worried that their parents would hear about Eris’ absence if it went on for any longer. The twins’ parents had phoned to congratulate them on their success of their first bank robbery. Of course his father pointed out that even a moron could rob the RBV, but it was a start. Enyo grudgingly agreed with Moros before hanging up.

            Seething, he lay back onto his pillows clutching his phone in one hand and trying to supress his anger at his father.  He looked down at his hand and sure enough his cellphone was crushed to smithereens in his fist. He crawled off the bed and pitched the phone’s remains at the brick wall. It ricocheted off and hit him in the face. Cursing, he stomped to his door and pulled it open almost crashing into the man standing on the other side. The man’s fist was poised to knock on the door before Enyo had startled him.

            “Delivery for Mr. Enyo.”

            “Yes, I remember you,” Enyo said exasperatedly. The lizard-man had come to his door every day this week at the same time to deliver a ridiculous trinket or bauble from Thanatos. “What is it this time? Chocolate covered crickets? Faery Liquor? A leather willy cover?”

            Enyo saw the man’s scaled cheeks redden slightly, “I don’t know. I just deliver,” he said handing Enyo the small neatly wrapped parcel. Enyo took it and threw it into his room, and slammed the door behind him.

            He needed to blow off some steam so he made his way down to the dungeons where the school’s gym was situated. Enyo changed into his gym clothes, exited the changing rooms and walked into the main part of the gym. It was a small stuffy room with a few stationary bikes, stair climbers, and treadmills on one side and weight training equipment on the other.

            A trio of beautiful Sirens doing yoga were ogling a male villain in the corner. He was bench-pressing what looked to be a thousand pound barbell. The villain was studiously ignoring the Sirens, but as soon as Enyo walked by his head shot up and his eyes followed the little villain as stepped up to a treadmill. Of course it had to be Thanatos, Enyo thought. He considered leaving the gym when he saw him, but then decided he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

            The Sirens saw who Thanatos was gawking at and their red lips curled into an offended scowl as they turned away from him. Thanatos didn’t notice. With a grunt he hauled the weight up to rest on the bar in above him and walked across the gym towards the treadmill beside Enyo.

            “I like your shorts,” Thanatos said, as he looked Enyo up and down.

            Enyo could practically feel the Death God’s eyes roving over his butt as he jogged. He immediately wished he wasn’t wearing his flashy metallic coloured jogging shorts. “Thanks,” he grumbled.

            “So, have you received my gifts?” Thanatos asked, while fiddling with the buttons on the treadmill.

            “Yeah, thanks for the satin boxers, I really needed those,” Enyo said, thinking of the lacy lingerie that were currently residing in the bottom of his waste basket. 

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