Chapter 4 - Disappointment Upon Wakening

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A/N: I wanted to put a warning out there for language, I suppose it's probably too late if you read chapter three :P but I thought I'd warn you anyway. I'm a potty mouth, my character's are potty mouths and I can't stand the words 'member' or 'manhood' or any other ridiculous words for penis. It's a cock, a dick, a prick, or a penis... get it right!


          Eris awoke in an unfamiliar apartment. When he threw off the puffy down comforter he realized he was naked so he pulled it back over his waist. He looked around for his clothes but couldn’t see them. Just when he was considering sublimating back to the evil lair a man pushed open the bedroom door whistling a nauseatingly cheerful tune and carrying a tray of food.

            “Oh good you’re awake. I made breakfast.” The man placed a plate of eggs and bacon in the shape of a smile in front of Eris. The villain looked down at the plate and the corner of his lip curled up in disgust at the hospitable gesture. When he looked up the young man was smiling at him with a face full of dimples and freckles.

            “What’s the matter? You don’t like eggs?”

            The villain ignored the question. “What happened last night?”

            “You don’t remember?” The man looked slightly offended as Eris shook his head.

            Still smiling, the man came to sit beside Eris on the bed. He was only wearing skin coloured boxers with the pattern of a fig leaves over his crotch. Eris admired the man’s body and remembered vaguely seeing those taut abs flexing as the hero pounded into him mercilessly; and those arms wrapping around him in a tight embrace as they fell asleep together. Wait. He fucked a hero? How stupid could he be?

            The man leaned back on his hands watching the emotions play across the villain’s face. “Remember anything now?” He asked hopefully.

            The villain’s cheeks reddened slightly. “No,” he lied.

            “Well first I rescued you in the bathroom at Chaos’ Closet. You were in some kind of horny fit, couldn’t stand to be parted from me for one minute.” The villain looked down as the hero inched towards him and placed a hand on Eris’ cheek. “Not that I minded. It was fucking sexy.”

            “Then what happened?” The villain flinched away from the tender caresses.

            “Then I took you back to my place. And we fucked. A lot. You insisted on being on top most of the time, but there were times when I got the upper hand.”

            The man, Eris’ remembered called himself Phil, rubbed one of his pecks mottled with silvery claw marks. They were still red and puckered around the edges but looked to be healing nicely. “Did I do that?” Eris asked stupidly, pointing to the hero’s scars.

            “Yes. You’re a kinky little bastard you are. It’s a good thing I heal fast.” Phil smiled wide yet again, and Eris wondered how the man managed to reveal so much of his gums and still look like a Greek God. Oh yeah, he most likely is one.

            “I could give you a little re-enactment of last night. You know, if you want me to refresh your memory.” Phil leaned toward the villain and kissed him on the lips. Eris didn’t kiss back. In fact, he crawled away from the hero to the end of the bed, almost upending his plate of food.

            “Where are my clothes?” He asked brusquely.

            “Come on don’t act like that. I don’t think now is the time to play hard to get.”

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