Chapter 3 - Irony of Death

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A/N: Graphic chapter coming up! With pleasure I take full responsibility for your loss of innocence! *Evil laugh* :D

Back at Nyx’s Nimbus Enyo was on his third round of drinks. It became apparent to him that his brother ditched him and Hypnos had already left with Deimos, so he was left alone at the bar. He had already turned down four men and one Demigoddess asking to him dance and was becoming more creative with his excuses as the night wore on.

            A tall robust villain with long black hair and a blue mask approached him. “Would you like to dance with me?”

            “I can’t I stepped in sphinx urine and it made my toes fall off.”

            “I’ll carry you then,” the villain said. He grasped Enyo’s hand and pulled him off the stool. Enyo fell against the man’s chest, almost impaling himself on one of the spikes sticking out of the taller villain’s ridiculous costume.

            “What’s with the costume?” Enyo asked, letting the dark haired villain lift him off the ground and sway him back and forth, not really keeping pace with the music.

            “I’m new to this villainy thing. I’ve been trying out different costumes,” the villain said slightly embarrassed. Enyo thought his voice sounded familiar but he couldn’t place it through his drunken haze.

            “Are you taking classes in the evil lair?” Enyo asked.

            “Yeah I’m down corridor four, the Death-spirit Gods and Underworld creatures.”

            “Me too! I don’t think I’ve seen you before. What’s your name?” Enyo narrowed his eyes trying to see the man behind the mask.

            The taller villain mumbled something under his breath just as a bulky Cyclops crashed into the pair. Enyo went flying through the air and landed with a dull thud in the middle of the dance floor.

            “Are you okay?” His dance partner asked worriedly rushing over and extending his hand to help Enyo up.

            “I’m fine! Just leave me alone,” he said refusing the proffered hand and springing lithely to the ground. To Enyo’s annoyance the taller villain followed him back to the bar.

            There was an awkward silence between the two villains, where Enyo laid his head on the bar top and let out a longsuffering sigh. “I’m bored.”

            “What do you want to do?”

            “Umm how about a game,” Enyo said, lifting his head and already flashing his mischievous grin.

            “What kind of game?” The villain asked, tossing his hair behind his shoulders and gazing at the smaller villain with his black almond shaped eyes.

            “We have to try to get a date and a kiss from someone in the bar. Whoever is successful first wins. No using super powers,” Enyo proposed, his eyes roving the crowd.

            “What does the winner get?”

            “A blow job from the loser,” he said immediately.

            Enyo watched as the man’s mask rose slightly with his eyebrows before he said “Deal.”

            “I’ll pick your conquest,” Enyo said before pointing to a cross-dressing Cyclops at the end of the bar. “Her. You have to ask her on a date.”

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