Chapter 1 - Immortal Dilemmas

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A/N: This is a fantasy slash I've been working on, all characters are based loosely on Greek Mythology. It's really fantastical, but also rather R-rated. I figured if I was going to bother putting it down as R-rated I might as well make it count since apparently it doesn't show up on searches.

I hope you enjoy it! It's really fun to write!

“What exactly are the qualifications of a super villain? I mean, we already have super powers and our parents are super villains. Doesn’t that make us super villains?” Enyo asked, nudging his twin brother Eris in the ribs for him to agree. If his brother didn’t have super strength the nudge probably would have broken some ribs, but all it succeeded in doing was waking the boy from the deep sleep he was engaged in since the beginning of class. Eris sat up suddenly and mumbled something about nymphs touching him inappropriately and then sank back into his desk and proceeded to fall asleep again.

            Enyo watched as Professor Scylla picked uninterestedly at one of the black scales on her cheek before answering. “You become a super villain through your achievements, or rather your villainy.  Super villains aren’t born, that would be too easy.”

            “Are you a super villain?” A blue skinned bald boy in front of the twins asked.

            “When I was younger I used to be on the hero’s most wanted list. You wouldn’t believe how many sailors I ate,” she said with a sigh. “Those were the days. Now I’m stuck here teaching you insufferable dryads the workings of villainy.”

            “Why don’t you go back to villainy?” Enyo asked.

            “I was forced to retire,” she said, pointedly twitching the stumps on the left side of her body where two of her eight tentacles had been sliced off. “Now enough with the interrogation, you know as well as I do that until graduation you aren’t super villains. Even then, some of you won’t be deserving of that title.” Her gaze focused on the snoozing form of Enyo’s brother, whose snores seemed to be increasing in volume with every breath he took.

            Professor Scylla stretched one of her tentacles out to slap Eris across the face. The suction cups stuck to his cheek and made a sucking sound as she pulled away from the young villain’s skin. He sat up and looked around the class, disoriented. “Class over already?”

            Enyo could not help but laugh at his brother. “You should see your face.”

            “I’m looking at it right now,” he said, staring at his brother questioningly.

            “No, really, you should see your face.”

            Eris peered at his reflection in his chrome topped desk, sure enough there were little red suction cup marks mottling the boy’s right cheek. “Holy Hades! How long before that goes away?”

            “In a few hours,” Professor Scylla said with a sneer. “Now back to class.” She grabbed a small remote off her desk and pushed a button. Immediately a picture of a handsome man appeared on the screen in front of them. He had a mop of curly yellow hair, blue eyes, strong masculine features and a dark golden tan. The man seemed to radiate warmth and light. He’s obviously a hero, thought Enyo.

            “Who can tell me who this is?”

            A girl at the front of the class with lime green skin and white hair put up her hand. “That’s Helios, God of the Sun.”

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