Chapter 1

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Snow Whites POV

I walked into Disney Academy very nervous. I mean, yes I was one of the most popular but first days always make me nervous. I was boarding with Mulan and Jasmine. Mulan is my best fried but I can't stand Jasmine. She's so stuck up.

I turned the corner with my two suitcases and back pack running face first into Wendy Darling.

"Wendy! How are you?" I squealed, giving me friend a hug.

"Good. I just helped Michael and John finish unpacking. What dorm are you in?" Wendy smiled.

"214 with Mulan and Jasmine." I shrugged.

"Jasmine? Jasmine Sultan? Wow. That sucks." Wendy said.

Wendy is one of the nicest people ever and if she doesn't like you and tells people that, then you must really be mean!

"Yeah. But at least I have Mulan! Who are you boarding with?"

"Alice and Meg! My two best friends! It's perfect!" Wendy laughed. "We're in room 218. Just down the hall from you guys!"

"Great! Well I'll see you later! I have to unpack!" I said and walked to my dorm.

Cinderellas POV

Aurora, Belle and I walked into the Academy already the talk of the school. I mean, everyone loves us. We are so pretty and popular! And we know everything about everyone.

We walked into the office to find our dorms. We (of course) were forming together. Room 216.

We headed to our dorm and saw two new girls we didn't recognize. So as our system works, we send Belle over to meet them, I go talk to their dorm member to find out about them and Aurora talks to bystanders.

So Belle headed over to them and I headed to their dorm, 215, and walked in.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

Rapunzel peeked her head around the corner.

"OMG Cinderella! What brings you here!" Rapunzel gabbed.

"Who are those two new girls? Are they dorming with you?" I asked.

"Oh! Those are my cousins. That one is Anna," she pointed to the girl with brownish reddish hair. " and the other one is Elsa." She pointed to the girl with blonde hair. "Anna's rooming with me. And so is Jane. But Elsa is farther down the hall because she is older. OMG guess what I heard about Elsa!" She started jumping up and down.

Finally. Some gossip. "What!" I said excitedly.

"She is taking magic classes. That means she has powers!" Rapunzel squealed and went back to sorting her clothes.

"Oh. Cool. Well by Rapunzel!" I turned and walked into the hall. Pretty happy with myself.

Belles POV

I walked up to the two new girls and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Belle! Welcome to Disney Academy! I'm staying in 216! What's your names?" I smiled innocently,

"I'm Anna!" Said the girl on the right with brownish reddish hair. She had a streak with blonde down one side. Is that like, a fashion statement? It's...different...?

"I'm Elsa. I'm down the hall in 227. I was just dropping Anna and Rapunzel off to their room!"

"Oh! Ok! Who are you rooming with Elsa?" I asked sweetly.

"Um...a girl named Merida and a girl named Ariel." Elsa smiled.

"Oh ok! I know them. Ariel is so nice!" I said.

"What about Merida?" Elsa asked.

"She's ok. Kind of loud and annoying.She's a volleyball and soccer player, captain for both, so she's kinda pushy and demanding. And a really bad secret keeper. Don't tell her I said that!" I said quickly.

"Of course not! Well I better head down there! Bye Anna I'll see you later!" Elsa said.

"Bye Elsa! Have fun and make friends!" Anna went into her dorm.

"Bye Belle. It was nice meeting you!" Elsa headed down the hall.

"Bye Elsa!" I waved and headed to my dorm to converse with the girls.

Auroras POV

I walked up to Wendy who was standing outside we dorm with Alice.

"Wendy! Alice! How are you?" I smiled slyly.

"Um. Hi Aurora." Wendy said.

"What do you want?" Alice said glaring at me.

"Wow Alice. No need to be rude. I just had some questions." I said sweetly.

"About what?" Alice spat.

"Who are those two new girls?" I asked innocently.

"Ha! Wouldn't you like to know. Are you mad cause you don't have any dirt in them?" Alice said, she looked like she was enjoying herself. Well not for long.

"What makes you think I don't have dirt! I'm Aurora Rose!" I smiled. Two could play at this game Alice.

"Oh yeah? Spill." Alice smirked. She was testing me!

"See the girl on the right?" I pointed across the hall.

"Anna? Yeah what about her?" Alice said glaring.

"Well, when we were walking in I saw her talking up Hiccup. They were majorly flirting. And I'm pretty sure I saw a number exchange." See who else is quick on their feet. First fake rumour goes to moi.

"Hiccup? My Hiccup! I don't believe you. He wouldn't do that." Alice said, her face turning red.

"And the blondie, what's her name?" I said.

"Elsa..." Wendy said, holding back Alice from hitting me.

"She was talking to Peter. And I KNOW I saw a number exchange there." And second fake rumour award goes to me! I'm on a role.

"Go away Aurora! No one believes you." Wendy said.

"Really? Then ask them." I turned and flipped my hair and walked away. Damage was done. Looks like Peter will be open for Cindy.

Cinderella's POV

"Alright girls," Aurora closed their door. "Spill."

"I got some really good stuff!" I gushed.

"I know where Elsa is staying and who with!" Belle squealed.

"Ok. I didn't get anything except I did start some nasty rumors!" Aurora grinned.

Belle and I clapped for her.

"Well, apparently Else and Anna are Rapunzels cousins! And Elsa is taking MAGIC classes!" I said barely containing my excitement.

"Magic? Oh this is good! We should befriend her sister Anna and then have Anna ruin Elsa! And exploit her powers at the same time!" Aurora grinned. "Also, Cindy you need to figure out Elsa's powers. It will help us figure out how to exploit her!"

"We could have Ariel do it!" Belle said.

"Ariel? How is that possible?" Aurora said.

"Ok well Elsa is staying with Merida and Ariel in room 227!" Belle smiled. "Ariel can easily find out and we can tell Jane who will exploit her on the paper!"

"You guys are perfect!" Aurora grinned. "Now lets go to dinner and get all the gossip from the summer!"
Hey guys! So I'm kinda obsessed with Disney so I decided to make a bunch of the characters go to school together! Please comment people you want me to remember and when I do their POV I will dedicate that chapter to you!! Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!
-DisneyDaisy 🌻

Next Update:: Saturday or Sunday

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