Its 2018

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Haha, I am glad you all like this story but the more I look at it, the more I realized that I've actually driven it face down into the ground. There is almost no way I could pick it up and make it interesting.

I, as the author, don't even know what will happen once the reader gets to Seattle. I also noticed that because I was driving this story into a brick wall, I was using a lot of not my own ideas. An example of that would be the chapter that was inspired by Tony Crynight's fnaf series.

I look back at that and I hate how I used someone else's idea, gave them credit and everyone was saying things like "I GET THE REFERENCE!" When really I actually just didn't have any ideas so I pretended that I just wanted to reference something.

Another thing that really bothered me is that the Jack that was portrayed in this book wasn't anything like Jack. It really just felt fake and for the purpose of writing, though my ideas and heart really weren't in this story.

I actually don't think I'll be continuing this series.

Though I am re-writing my other Jacksepticeye X Readers, I think that this story wasn't that great and that I could have done so much better than what I did.

Thank you for understanding.

Unless I say otherwise or I suddenly get a burst of ideas, this is the official end of this series for now.

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