Dairy Queen

988 44 67

~Your P.O.V~

I flicked my phone quickly and clicked on messages.

"Y/N! Where are you?" Jack had asked.

Frantically, I texted back saying that I was running to the Dairy Queen. In case it was Anti, I waited by the door outside of Izzy's apartment building. Soon, I saw Jack run over to Dairy Queen and look around for me.

I looked closer, but I couldn't tell if it was Jack or Anti. I quickly snapped a photo if him and zoomed in. Yup, it was Jack. Jack had been looking almost straight at me, but at the building for a minute or two, so I through a rock to get his attention away from it.

Of coarse, he looked at where the rock hitting the pavement had come from, and looked away from me. I quickly ran to the back door of Dairy Queen. I had worked there before, so I knew all the entrances and exits, in and out. I was now in the back room where they kept extra ice cream and equipment for ice cream machines.

Jack likes chocolate, so I decided to quickly make him a chocolate blizzard. I walked out, stealthily some employees had seen me but I knew them from before so it was really no big deal. Jack had just walked in the door and was looking for me.

I waved him down to a booth over in the corner. Handing him his blizzard, he smiled and thanked me.

"Y/N. I need to tell you something." Jack said urgently, lowering his voice.

"What is it?" I asked, whispering as well.

"Anti isn't gone, he's gonna come back. Its just a matter of time." Jack replied, worried.

"Isn't there a cure? Ya know, I used to help my mum with her nurse's work." I smiled.

"I don't know." Jack spoke, confused.

"Let me think... there is this spell that I can put on you and it'll fix it. I know, it sounds stupid and like something from a fantasy book but, I can." I said.

After reading almost all of Ford's journals, I had a few tricks up my sleeve for people being possessed. (If you don't know who Ford is, its a reference so its okay if you don't get it.)

Jack quickly finished his blizzard and we ran back to our house so I could perform my spell on him.

Blame It On Anti {Jacksepticeye X Reader} ~Antisepticeyeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن