The Figure

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~Your P.O.V~

My face got warm and it flushed with red, I giggled and basically had a fangirling attack. Jack knew that would win the little contest we were having! I need to get back at him for something, but maybe later. Right now I had to let him win.

Suddenly, from behind the couch, a shadowy figure stood up behind Jack. I froze, unable to do anything. A crash came from outside and the power was, again, shut off. I heard the person getting over the back of the couch, I needed to warn Jack.

"Jack! Be careful!" I whispered.

A flashlight then illuminated the figure, now standing in the middle of the room. Most of their face was dark. Meaning that I couldn't recognize their face, because of the power being out. But I could see their smile... and one floof of hair. The figure suddenly started talking, stretching out their sentences and talking with their mouth more open.

"It seems as though someone is trying to... impersonate me?" they spoke. "I say, it is pretty good. But its a bit... rough around the edges."

Still frozen, I started to ease. For some reason, the figure seemed 'homey'. They had a very welcoming feeling to them, which was pretty absurd because there could be a slight chance of them attempting to kill either Jack or me.

"Maybe you need a... lesson... on how to impersonate people perfectly..." the figure said. "Would you like that? Would that be... good? I hear that you... compensate. Is that... true?"

I could hear Jack's breathing, he was scared too. But, maybe more than I was.

"Yes. I do commentate." Jack and I spoke at the same time exactly.

The figure's voice echoed in the living room, and throughout the house. Their voice came again, this time even more stretched out and insane.

"So I was correct. Now, a question... are you lovely beings... scared? Frightened? About to wet your pants?"

I was the first to answer.

"No, not scared enough to pee myself. I mean, I have butterflies in my stomach but I'm not that scared. What about you, Jack?" I asked.

"Way too late..." is all Jack replied with.

"If you're scared now... you will be terrified soon..." the figure said.

And just as the shadow person finished talking, the room was illuminated and bright. I immediately looked for the figure so I could see who it was.

I should have guessed...

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