The woman only gave me an unimpressed look, a usual one she'd often give over Chanmi's attitude.

"I'm not in the mood, Somi," I muttered.

"It's Taehyung, isn't it?"

"No, it's the stick rammed up my ass."

The raising of Somi's eyebrows had me rolling my eyes. "Of course it's Taehyung, who else?"

"Look, sis, why don't you just go up to him yourself?"

I shook my head. "He wouldn't be crying tears of joy over my sudden entrance."

"That's true," Somi started, folding a leg over the other, "Yet I don't remember you ever caring for what one might think about your actions."

I pouted, cocking my head slightly as I thought her words through.

She's right. I don't exactly give two shits over his reaction.

All I need to do is talk.

And find out what the fuck happened to him.


I stormed into the headquarters, being instantly stopped by the receptionist.

"Wait, wait, Miss Yoon, you can't see Mr Kim now-"

"And why not?" I asked, raising a brow at her.

"He's..." the girl fumbled for words, for a decent excuse. "...he's in a meeting at the moment."

I smiled sweetly at her. "Then I'll say hi to his colleagues as well."

Dismissing her, I marched on ahead, to the lift.

Shooting twenty floors upward, the metal doors screeched open.

I now hurried to the far end of the glass rooms, where Taehyung's secretary seemed to be missing.

That's good then. One less busybody to handle.

Not bothering to knock on the door, I burst straight in.

I looked up.

There he was. The very man I wanted.

The very man I miss.

Kim Taehyung looked up from his paperwork.

God fucking damn it.

There he was, looking like starlight gracing the desk, as his hair bobbed at the side of his face, that earring like liquid diamond trickling down his neck.

Wearing a red sweater, his collarbone exposing just above the neck of the fabric, this simple detail in itself almost had my anger melting.


His face revealed just a second of shock before hardening into a granite like mask, locking all the emotions behind it.


Fuck. Even the way he said my name had my focused rage faltering.

Don't. Don't let him do this.

"Oh, so you remember my name?" I asked, forcing some scorn into my voice. "I'd thought you'd forgotten that too."

Taehyung's mouth twitched. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.

"I work here, if you didn't realise."

"I didn't call for you," he said, setting a paper to a specific stack of more. "You didn't have to come here."

Wild Thoughts | Taehyung | ✓Where stories live. Discover now