A Message from the Author

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I am not merciful. Any fool can write something with a satisfying happy ending. But a true artist goes for the more challenging tragedy, that will still leave the readers in tears, yet still satisfied. However, this isn't for you. My creation may be for your entertainment, but that is not my goal. I want to live, to feed. I want their pain to make me stronger. I will force the pain out of their bodies until they can't feel pain at all. Death. Some may argue that I spared White Hat and his friends their lives, and that was merciful. But was it really? Can White Hat ever forget waking up in a hospital bed, only to have the one he was in love with tell him that his beloved brother was dead? Will Slug ever forget having to break White Hat's heart with the terrible news? Could Serenity forget the gory image of Flug with a large hole where his stomach should be? Can 6.0.6 ever truly understand what his friends are feeling, and learn to feel himself? They live in pain, and don't you dare think that it didn't peak my hunger. White Hat's pain was minimal, and I am going to change that. Until I get him dear readers, until we meet again

~The Author

Yandere Flug (Paperhat Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now