I Just Can't Seem to Leave

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The poor bear sighed and slumped against the wall behind his bed. Was he ever going to find anything?

He had been searching desperately for something- anything that proved what Flug did. He knew every nook and cranny of the manor and had scoured them all, but found nothing condemning.

5.0.5 had been avoiding Flug the whole time, he couldn't pretend that he wasn't afraid. When Flug looked at him, the stare seemed too intense, like Flug was trying to read his mind.

He'd been almost questioning if what he'd seen was real. The girls woke up the morning after with no bruises, and no memory of the previous night. Perhaps he'd just dreamed it all. But when Flug gave him that intense stare, he couldn't believe it was a dream.

The bear got up and walked out of the lab to wander aimlessly. Flug and Black Hat were out again tonight, and this time, they'd gone to a more romantic destination. Obviously these mushy gushy places usually drove Black Hat insane, and he almost declined before Flug said that they could set things on fire. 5.0.5 wished sincere luck to Canada's forests.

This would have been the perfect opportunity to search for clues, if there were any to be found that is. The envelope that 5.0.5 had originally found was gone, most likely fed to a barrel of acid. And there was nothing else. No knives. No blood. Nothing. The bear was disheartened.

He decided to take his mind off of it by baking some cookies for himself. He hummed softly, reaching for his recipe book on the top shelf, but just as he had set it down on the counter, something crashed through the wall right next to him.

5.0.5 yelped, jumping backwards. Unfortunately, that wall had the fridge in front of it. There go the ingredients for the cookies. After the dust had cleared a bit, 5.0.5 took a closer look at the intrusion... a tiger?

It was much larger than a regular tiger, but it barely looked real. Every inch of it was covered in golden armor, and it's eyes glowed a bright red.

The cat looked around before spotting the bear. It stared, as 5.0.5 remained frozen, for a few moments before the animal suddenly shifted. Its top jaw folded backwards to reveal white-blonde hair within its maw. As more of the creature folded in on itself, 5.0.5 realized- it was just a costume with a girl inside. Said girl stormed towards hi.

"Where is the scientist?!" she yelled, pointing a metal claw at his belly. 5.0.5 knew that meant his insides may very well become outsides, so he gestured wildly toward the window.

"What?" the girl said, confused, before it clicked. "Damn it, I missed him!"

The hero rubbed her temples, sitting on the counter in the kitchen. 5.0.5 sat still for a moment, before hopping on to the counter next to her and putting a paw on her shoulder. The girl looked at him, startled.

"Why are you comforting me? Aren't you in cahoots with Black Hat?"

5.0.5 nodded his head and shrugged.

"Not much of a fighter for such a big critter, are ya? Well what's your name?"

5.0.5 held up his name in fingers.

"Five-zero-five. Nice to meet you then", she wasn't right, but it didn't matter much to him, "You'd probably only know me as Golden Tiger, my mech, but my real name is Anna"

5.0.5 could've sworn he recognized that name somewhere. Anna, Anna...

... whatever happens on that island is villain business. Sincerely yours, Anna.

It occurred to 5.0.5 that it could be the same girl, since she knew where to find Hat Island.

"Anywho, I'm here because of that bad egg ya got wormin' around your island. I wouldn't of come if he hadn't done what he did to Susie, I'm the only one who knows the truth now"

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