Holiday Special

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The tree was decorated in dark colors, suiting the manor. The author sat near the fireplace, she couldn't go thirty minutes without being next to the heat. It had been almost a year since C was found dead in that very building. The author saw Flug sitting next to Black Hat, holding on to his arm. They were.... different from what you may remember. The author, through her torturous nature and actions, felt an attachment to these peculiar characters. She felt that the people of this universe were her children almost. She had developed their personalities to her definition of perfect. And was a person who LOVED physical metaphors. So, the children sat around the Christmas tree that night, tearing wrapping paper off of their respective boxes. Black Hat almost had no changes as a child, aside from his height and voice.  He lost his overcoat, and had shorts instead, with little garters attached to his black dress socks. He had both eyes, but still had his monocle in his shirt pocket. Flug wore a onsie he had just gotten out of a little wrapped box. It was decorated with little beakers and screwdrivers, it complimented him, especially since his brown paper bag was missing. Black Hat patted his ginger hair affectionately, and Flug rather liked the praise. Dementia smiled at the two, happy for them, though slightly sad she missed her chance with Black Hat. The bruises around her neck were a permanent reminder of that. 5.0.5 sat near Dementia, opening his present. He looked at the new doll he had gotten and smiled widely. It was dressed in purple, and looked like a villain character. 5.0.5 was happy to get something new for his toy chest.  Even Ebony liked the little present she got from Razor Leaf, which was a necklace made of vines. Razor Leaf, while still looking very mangled, was detached from her chair, and walking around freely. She didn't hurt anymore, and was even happy that she got a large sweater that had once belonged to Ice Cap. The last, Gigi, was dancing to the Christmas music playing. She offered to dance with the Golden Tiger, and the young girl happily obliged. It was a wonderful party, and not a single soul was unhappy. The author watched them together at last, the family they were meant to be. She suddenly felt a small tug on her shirt. She looked down at the young Black Hat, Flug still holding his little hand. "What is it Ignis?". "Don't call me that!!" the boy whined, stomping his foot. "I will call you what I want, now what is it?". "When will my brother get here?". The author looked away from the child, staring into the fireplace for a moment. She returned her gaze, raising a hand to rest against the left side of Black Hat's face. "Not for a long time dear, he's still a demon you know, thousands of years still to live" she looked at Flug suddenly "Unless Fluggy wants me to find a way to bring him back?". Flug shook his head. "No! I'm tired! I want to stay asleep". The author smiled. "Alright dearest". The two children sat down again, snuggling against each other. The author suddenly sat up, and everyone watched her, being that she rarely moved. She sat back down soon after, taking a deep breath. "Someone's here, someone alive". The group was silent. "Something... someONE drew him here....". She looked towards the door. "Here he comes". And White Hat burst into the room. He didn't see the four children, nor the fire, nor the author. He saw cold, black, emptiness. Still he shouted. "W-where is he?!". Another male, living, ran in behind him. "White Hat, what the hell?!". White Hat began pacing around the room frantically. "I-I saw him! I swear I did!!". Slug looked on in concern. "Saw who?!". "Black Hat!". The author looked to little Ignis. "Black Hat, did you look out of the window?". Black Hat looked down. "I... I sensed him...". "And you made yourself visible to him? Now look, you've got the poor dear in a panic". White Hat, indeed, was panicking. "There's no mistaking it! I saw him, he was just- just staring at me! H-he looked so young, like when we were children! He looked so helpless... and there was even a damned hole in his head where the knife was!". Black Hat touched his forehead. There was a sizeable hole there, but it had stopped dribbling blood a few days ago. Black Hat looked at his brother, gripping his head in pain. "W-where did he go?!". "Boss, he isn't here-". "He has to be!!". "White Hat, stop!". "I... I just have to find him!". White Hat looked frantically around, calling his brother's name. "Black Hat?! Ignis! Brother!!". Slug suddenly shoved the hero backwards into chair, dazing him long enough for him to pin him to the back of the chair. "White Hat, Black Hat has been dead for a year now! He's gone" Slug said, not wavering his gaze. White Hat stayed silent, before the hot tears began to fall. He wailed suddenly, causing Slug to quickly embrace him. The children were all silent. Dementia walked over to the author, whispering quietly, "Why can't he see us? Are we ghosts or somethin'?". The author paused. "Yes, we're all dead Dementia, but I wouldn't say we're exactly ghosts, just.... manifestations". Dementia still didn't understand, but she sat back down again anyways. White Hat's sobs became quiet whimpers over time, and Slug held the demon closer to him. White Hat spoke random phrases softly. "Something isn't right.... this isn't right.... they're all in pain....". Slug shushed him quietly, until White Hat was silent once more. "Come on boss, we have to get home". White Hat nodded quietly, standing up slowly. He looked around the room, looking for any trace of what he saw. There was nothing. Maybe he was losing his mind. The couple finally left the room. The author returned her gaze to the fireplace, and the party began to resume. The author couldn't believe it. She thought she was done with this story. But was she really? Was she ready to let these characters go on in peace? Did she desire them to still be under her control just. That. Much? She was undecided, and for the time being, this is how it would stay. The many that had perished, staying together in the presumed-to-be abandoned mansion. But, she asked herself a question, and it kept her up all through the nights she spent alone. Was she officially done? And, if she wasn't...
Who would come live with the spirits next?

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