1.A Lonely Hybrid

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The past few weeks have been the same for Yoongi; wake up, eat, bathe, cry, sleep, and repeat. Lately he's been feeling lonely, and he doesn't know why. His owner of the last 2 years Jimin, has always been so kind to him and loving. But as of lately he's finding that it's not enough, he doesn't want to seem ungrateful for everything Jimin has done for him, so he hasn't told him that he needs more. So he's left to suffer in silence, which has made he's usually sweet personality quite sour.

Yoongi's eyes slowly open, the curtains are slightly open letting in the morning sun. There's a scent of earth in the air and he can tell it rained last night, I mean it is Seattle so no one is surprised there. He just sort of lies there and stares at the ceiling for a while, he doesn't want to get up, he doesn't want to face yet another boring mundane day, he can't face it. To say he was sad would be an understatement. He was depressed. He was lonely. And more than anything he wants to be around someone like him, a hybrid. Hell he'd even settle to be around Jimin's boyfriend Jungkook's hybrids; Hoseok and Taehyung. Hoseok and Taehyung are canine hybrids, Tae is a golden retriever hybrid and Hobi is a chocolate lab hybrid. They're too hyper and overly annoying for Yoongi's taste. But he's so lonely he'd deal with their loud asses, just so he didn't have to be alone.

Yoongi's little cat ears perk up when he hears footsteps approaching his room. He watches as the doorknob turns and the door opens. He lets out a quiet sigh when he sees a mop of silver hair peek into his room. It's Jimin, his owner. 'Not right now', he thought.

"Rise and shine sleepy head.", Jimin coos as he walks into the room.

Yoongi just groans and throws the blanket over his face. Jimin walks closer and sits on the edge of the bed, and lifts the blanket off of Yoongi's head. He outstretched his arm to pet the kittens head to only have his had slapped away by the grumpy hybrid.

"Hey. What's wrong with you grump butt?", asked Jimin, a hint of disappointment in his voice.




"Yoongi. Is this anyway to treat someone who cares about you?", asked Jimin, slightly frustrated at his hybrids sudden attitude. Yoongi shakes his head 'no' and his ears are now flat against his head. He knows he shouldn't treat Jimin this way, but he can't help it. "That's right no. Now what's wrong? And you better tell me the truth. I don't want to have to punish you kitten.", said Jimin.

Yoongi didn't answer, he just cried. He's not much of a crybaby, well up until recently that is. He doesn't want to seem ungrateful for all that Jimin's done for him, he doesn't want his master to think he's being greedy or selfish. So he just cries.

Jimin becomes rather worried at the sight of he's usually happy and sweet hybrid in tears. He doesn't want to push the topic any further so he just pulls the kitten into a hug and pets his ears. This soothes Yoongi and after half an hour of soft cries he falls back asleep.

Once he's unconscious Jimin lays Yoongi's head back onto the pillow, and quietly steps out of the room. When out of the room, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and texts his friend NamJoon, who also happens to be Yoongi's doctor. He quickly types a message and sends it.

Somethings wrong with Yoongi. Idk what to do. Help!

After a few minutes he gets a reply.

Beginning of Messages.

Is he behaving differently? Have you tried asking him what's bothering him?

Yes. But he just started crying and wouldn't tell me what was wrong. It took me quite a while to calm him. Hyung I think he's depressed.

Jimin he might be lonely. Have you thought about getting him a companion?

No. Do you think I should get one?

Yes you should. Hybrids really should be adopted in pairs, but they're not. Law says you have to wait at least 6 months to get another one, I have no clue why. But yes you should find another feline to keep him company, he's probably really lonely.

I think I'll do that hyung.

Oh and Jimin, when you get him or her, bring them to see me. And bring Yoongi with them.

I will.

End of Messages.

After he sends that last message, he turns his phone screen off, and slides it into his pocket. He walks towards the front door, grabs his keys and a jacket and heads to the hybrid center.

'I hope I can find a good friend for my kitten', he thinks to himself as he pulls out of his driveway.

End of chapter 1.

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