Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~

Start from the beginning

Y/N hand grasp the doorknob but a faint strung of a guitar stop him. Slowly and almost subconsciously he moved away from the door, forgetting about his job, and moved towards the sound. He passed walls with pictures and knickknacks on tables before reaching the edge of the small but cozy living room. It was there he heard a raspy but beautiful voice singing.

"Can't I just run away to somewhere beautiful where nobody knows my name

"I'm just looking for some real friends

"All they ever do is let me down

Camila stopped singing when her eyes open and saw Y/N standing there smiling at her.

"That was beautiful. "

Camila shyly smile as she look down at the ground, but not before Y/N saw the tint of blush on her face.

"Thanks, " Camila mumble as she place the guitar on the couch beside her.

Y/N nodded still smiling, "Thank you for everything, Camila. I mean it. But I gotta go now. See ya. "

Just as Y/N exit the living room the sound of footsteps echoed, and not a second later a hand grips Y/N wrist softly.

"Wait, please, " Camila whisper.

Y/N turn around, surprise by Camila's behavior.

"What's wrong? "

The way Camila's body turn rigid and the way her eyes avoided him was a sign, that, what ever she was gonna tell him was something he wouldn't like one bit.

"Camila? "

Camila open her mouth and started rambling so fast that Y/N thought she started talking gibberish, "YourlandlordcalledwhenyouwhereasleepandIdidn'twanttoanswerbutshekeptcallingsoIanswereditandshetoldmeyouwerekickedoutoftheapartmentyouwerestayinginsoIthoughtsinceyouneededaplacetostayIbroughtyourstuffhere. "

Camila look at Y/N expectantly but the latter was just staring at Camila with his mouth open.

"Uhm, can you please repeat that slowly, Camila? "

Camila close her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and repeated everything.

The only thing Y/N could do after was stare at Camila at a lost for words.

Camila look at Y/N cautiously, "I know it's. . .unnatural and not a lot of people would offer a place to stay, especially to a stranger, but I may not know you personally Y/N, but I feel. . .your a good person in heart. "

A warm heat filled Y/N heart. It's been a long time since Y/N felt such generosity and kindness from someone in the world. He's used to being alone and doing things on his own with no help from anybody. So kindness like this in the world is rare. But no matter how much he needs help right now, he can't—won't—be a burden to Camila.

"That's really kind of you Camila but- "

"You won't be a bother or burden here, Y/N. " Camila interjected quickly.

Y/N frown before shaking his head, "You may say that now, but later on you'll regret having me as a roommate. "

To Y/N surprise Camila grin, "I was thinking rooming with a friend, not a roommate. "

Friend? Y/N thought distractedly.

The last time Y/N thought he had a friend was Lauren. But somehow with Camila it all feels safe and lasting while with Lauren it felt like borrowed time. Time that Y/N would have killed to have with Lauren.

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