Chapter Twenty-Five: Akatsuki's Mission

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The next day...

Third pov

"Damn the Ero-Sennin! I bet he's off doing his 'research' again! The nerve of him to leave us in the hotel room alone!" Akiko fumed.

"Yeah! I wanna learn cool jutsus, not sit here and do nothing! Believe it!" Naruto cried.

Suddenly a knock came from the door.

"Who is-" Naruto tried to ask but was quickly pounced on by Aoi to shut him up.

"No one's in!" Akiko shouted in panic causing Aoi to sweat-drop and get off a very confused Naruto.

The knock came again. Aoi sighed, "Sorry we have a policy of not meeting people dressed in red cloud cloaks on Thursdays so if you could please come back tomorrow."

The knock came again and Aoi gave up, "Coming, coming. Please don't cut my neck the moment I open the door thanks."

Aoi opened the door slowly to peek outside. Lo and behold, she was met with two men dressed in red cloaks and one of them was very visibly armed.

"Sooo, how can I help you today? We sell, idiocy, stupidity, uselessness and incompetence for 100 ryo per gram. What would you like today?" Aoi asked, causing the blue skinned man to laugh.

"I like this one, she's interesting. Would you happen to be selling an Uzumaki Naruto?" he asked. 

"Sorry, he's display only," Aoi said blandly.

"Well then, that means we'll have to fight for him then," Kisame grinned, grabbing his sword.

"Oh come on! I was trying to avoid fighting," Aoi pouted, "You see, I'm not too big on fighting S-rank criminals when I'm still a genin. That's not very fair although you could argue that fairness isn't in a shinobi's dictionary so then it's technically fair but then again that throws everything into a paradox..."

"You go the fairness bit right," Kisame grumbled.

"So yeah. Maybe we could work out a deal where all five of us get to stay alive for the time being-"

"Stop stalling," Itachi said coldly, "It won't do you any good."

Aoi smirked, "Oh yeah? I think it did plenty."

"ITACHI!" A voice screamed from the end of the corridor.

Itachi raised an eyebrow as Sasuke rounded the corner, eyes ablaze.

"Little brother. Long-time no see," Itachi greeted.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Sasuke screamed, his hand lighting up with the Chidori.

He sprinted toward Itachi, ready to kill him with one hit, only for Itachi to grab his wrist and extinguish his jutsu. Throwing him to the wall he stalked towards him, ready to break his arm. Out of nowhere, the area around Sasuke flickered and he was gone.

"Cousin, you're here as well," Itachi acknowledged.

Shiori sighed in relief, that way too close for comfort.

"Sorry, Itachi-niisan. This idiot ran up on his own before I could stop him. But I'm sure you sensed him before anyways since you don't even rely on your eyes to see anymore," Shiori answered.

"Stop apologising to him!" Sasuke yelled, "Let me go! I'm gonna kill him!"

"No you're not. At this rate, he's gonna kill you," Shiori retorted with a snort.

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